Czestochowa University of Technology,
Dąbrowskiego 69,
Częstochowa, Poland
Abstract: Introducing to the subject matter the college concerning functioning is a
purpose of the present article in the context of current concepts of managing the
educational establishment. The text aims to show that the university as a public or
non-public organization has a well-established social position. Provides education
students, dynamically evolving, is oriented on the environment. The main purpose of a
university education is available to all. In directing this specific educational institution
use of different management models. The most up to date, according to the author,
have been described, all of these concepts are to encourage employees to be more
intensive and effective work.
Key words: university management concepts, the functioning of higher education,
education generally, university employees, effective work.
1 Introduction
Taking into consideration aim of the college, her mission, vision
it is possible to define them as the future state of affairs or of
process planned by the perpetrator, and in such field like
education also a state of the man or the group which is supposed
to be produced or kept for in order to meet the needs of people.
Each college taking a specific purpose or purposes shall be
guided by the current management concepts that will help in
its/their implementation. The same management (according to
the Encyclopedia Quick Reference) is discussed in terms of a
normative act issued pursuant to and in order to comply with the
law by the executive authority.
To the university authorities, in a
series of activities organized include such activities as:
establishing tasks and plans;
getting stores;
instructing, the coordination;
permanent supervision of the work of subordinates;
control of the execution of tasks and plans.
2 Concepts of managing the college
Activity of academy is based on providing certain financial
means. Government funds economic subsidies which are getting
to public academies; the objective of economic subsidies is
funding tasks connected with "training full-time students, the
participants of doctoral studies, research staff and maintaining
the university, including the renovation".
First thing, budget is an activity plan and defines the structure of
expenses, approve the funding of individual actions. After
approval, budget becomes control factor which appraise the
regularity of operations from the point of view of their financial
order and compliance with the plan.
The concept of budgeting is connected with budgetary policy
whose mission is to use public revenue and expenditure for the
implementation of the tasks facing the country. Therefore, state
decides about size of the budget allocated to higher education
and its functioning. It should be pointed out, that government
budget includes:
incomes and state burden for a period of one year;
presentation of the action plan, where financial objectives
are submitted as financial targets;
set of tools for specific tasks of a state.
T. Komorowski,
Prawo oświatowe w praktyce, Wyd. Empi, Poznań 2003, s. 43
M Karolczuk-
Kędzierska (red.), Encyklopedia podręczna, Kraków 2002, s. 1074
Ustawa Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym, art. 94
W. Goriszowski,
Współczesne koncepcje s zarządzania i funkcji kierowniczych w
oświacie, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej Towarzystwa Wiedzy
Powszechnej, Warszawa 2000, s. 36
Świderska, Rachunek kosztów i rachunkowość zarządcza, wyd. Stowarzyszenie
Księgowych w Polsce, s. 226-231
Performance budget is a three-year consolidated plan which
includes state budget units expenses, state special purpose funds
and state legal persons, referred in article 4 act 1 section 12 of 30
June 2005 about public finances drawn up in the system parts,
tasks and subtasks.
The main goals of performance budgeting includes:
ensuring more effective implementation of public tasks;
ensuring greater effectiveness of public tasks;
increasing the efficiency of public spending, improve the
transparency of public finances and to provide citizens
and parliamentarians more readable information on the
measures taken and their costs.
Minister of Science and Higher Education has the power over
financial means for education according to law act from 30 of
April 2010.
Managing trough motivation is totality of actions and decisions
taken by every manager to encourage workers to work harder,
challenging him to put in an maximal effort in completing his
tasks, contributing to results and development of the
Planning actions with help of notions and it's control with the
help on will are the base for motivation, characteristic for a
grown man, who has a professional, caring and social roles in
organized society.
Managing of a university in aspect of staff motivating may have
many aspects. They can be considered in categories of:
appreciation (Rector's award, diploma, public praise,
financial award);
meeting of the lecturers, managing staff with satisfied
promotion (getting new degrees, self-realization, building
individual carrier path, conferences, respect in both work
and outside of work environment, opportunity to develop);
partnership in management of university, delegating
independent tasks, influence on politics of the university,
need of power, identification with the university, loyalty
towards university, need to take the risk and stay active;
salary level, additional benefits, work itself, independence
in work, work atmosphere, work evaluation.
With a view on motivational factors to students, we can outline
the following:
scholarships, graduation act, which is a ticket to get
satisfying job, will to get education, possibility to obtain a
well paid job, perspective to pursue a carrier in education,
broadening the horizons, getting to know interesting are of
keeping job, acquiring higher social status, promotion, well
paid job, professional independence;
trending study courses, rich history and traditions of a
university, attractive fields of study, culture of the
organization, highly qualified educational staff, very good
contacts with both national and international universities,
institutions, enterprises, possibility to have internship in
particular field;
content of study related with future occupation, topic of
classes meets expectations, development of analytic
thinking, classes that help to improve knowledge in area
Ustawa z dnia 30 czerwca 2005r. o finansach publicznych, Dz. U. nr 249, poz. 2104
z zmianami, art. 4.
Ustawa z dnia 30 kwietnia 2010r. o zasadach finansowania nauki, Dz. U. nr 96, poz.
B. Kaczmarek, Cz. Sikorski,
Podstawy zarządzania, PWN, Warszawa 1997, s. 45
W. Pomykało(red. nauk.), Encyklopedia pedagogiczna, Fundacja Innowacja,
Warszawa 1993, s. 386
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