responsibilities and role of the managerial function which he was
not able to perform independently even at the end of the
observation what represents a relatively long term. There is an
urgent need to develop skills in management areas such as
strategic thinking, leading, planning, organization and control.
Under the supportive leading of the director he partially
developed his skills and during the time of exposure at this
position he gained experience and self-confidence, but was still
lacking of independence even after such a long time.
Of all the ways of thinking the observed manager used so far
only intuition and mechanical thinking. It would be appropriate
to apply strategic thinking and to focus first on the introduction
of systematic procedures for dealing with constantly emerging
problems of the same type and on the prevention of these
One of the most important factors of unsuccessful
implementation of management functions is autocratic
prescriptive style of leadership, which is perceived by his
assigned staff as power demonstration and does not give workers
the opportunity for personal growth. This style of leadership is
the most intolerant approach towards new creativity and
differences in personalities of individual employees. It would be
appropriate to apply democratic or team (group) decision making
of problem solving.
The evaluation approach currently used is apparent of stiffness
and rigidity from the view of team members. It would be
appropriate to introduce new creative approaches to work
organization, for example by introducing new project
management methodologies such as agile methods, and new
ways of working, such as pair-programming, etc. That would
represent a good addition to Occam's razor, Pareto’s principle
and the division of problems according to urgency that manager
inadvertently applied. The introduction of Ishikawa’s diagram
could pinpoint the causes of problems and thus help to prevent
In the search for and development of solution alternatives it
would be appropriate to seek multiple solutions and create
branched opportunities. In the phase of evaluation of possible
solutions it would be appropriate to establish a multi-criteria
evaluation and strive for maximization principle and not to
implement just the first practical option that seems as a satisfied
The analysis of the application of managerial methods and
techniques by observed manager was significantly influenced by
his ignorance of relevant methodologies and techniques due to
the lack of managerial education. If the observed manager would
show interest he could fill out his gaps very fast as the
organization provided an entire database of books and trainings
to their employees free of charge and even outside the workplace
where sufficient number of managerial literature, trainings and
courses were included. Another option would be to fill out the
gaps by professional managerial education where he would
gather large boundless of missing the knowledge of possible
managerial practices, techniques and procedures as well as their
consequences in all areas of management. This education can be
also in form of e-learning inside the organization.
4 Conclusion
In this paper, the analysis of application of managerial methods,
techniques, and procedures used by a selected manager from
business practice was studied.
According to the results of research carried out, it is necessary to
state that some management methods and techniques were
unwittingly used by the observed employee in the position of a
VANČOVÁ, M.; KOVAČIČOVÁ, Z.; Implementation of Corporate E-learning –
Practical Scenario. In: Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on
Information Integration and Web –based Application and Services (iiWAS 2015). p.
line manager without him absolving managerial education
before. Although he used solely very simple managerial methods
and techniques, those are very effective (e.g. Occam's razor,
Pareto’s principle, multi-criteria decision making, etc.).
However, it is necessary to state that the observed manager was
lacking the use of managerial techniques and methods in many
management areas such as strategic thinking and leadership. It is
strongly advisable for companies, to fill managerial positions
with skilled well educated people who are better prepared for the
managerial function and to continue with the professional
managerial development of management employees.
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