The other two analyzed factors, the desire for financial reward as
well as the need for achievement have no significant relationship
with the different financial indicators for business surviving
5 Conclusion
It can be concluded, that people who are driven by the desire for
independence and social recognition have a higher change to
found a business which has a high return on sales and therefore a
higher change to survive. For institutions, which invest in
entrepreneurship, it is recommended to analyze the entrepreneur.
The motivation of the entrepreneur indicates the change for
success of the investment. The institutions to which these results
are recommended, are for example governmental institutions
which try to support entrepreneurship in their country as well as
private venture capitalists who expect a high profit from their
Further research can take into account additional financial
indicators to analyses the effect of the motivation. The next step
would be to analyses the entrepreneurship between countries
which differentiate by promoting different kinds of motivation to
start enterprises.
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