Both the thing and the right can be encumbered with the right to use.
It seems that irregular usufruct cannot be the object of the specific
. It consists of use of money or other fungibles. Apart from
an agreement, to establish irregular usufruct it is also necessary to
release the thing to the usufructuary. Making a specific legacy of
irregular usufruct would lead to a situation where it is necessary to
release e.g. money to the usufructuary in order to make the usufruct
effective. It is contrary to the structure of the specific legacy which
assumes that usufruct becomes effective on the opening of the
succession. The specific legacy cannot be executed by third persons
in favour of the legatee.
Predial servitudes, personal servitudes as well as transmission
easement can be the object of the specific legacy. On the
opening of the succession, the testator cannot be obliged to
dispose of the immovable that is to be encumbered with a predial
or personal servitude. In the case of the predial servitude, the
testator should define the servitude and the servient tenement in
the notarial testament. As far as the dominant tenement is
concerned, the testator has two options because he can define
such immovable and name the owner of the immovable or
indicate only the dominant tenement. By choosing the first
option i.e. naming the owner of the immovable (first and last
name), there is a threat that on the opening of the succession the
indicated person will not be the owner any more. For example
within the time frame from the moment of drafting the will to the
testator’s death, the owner of the immovable can sell it. Would
the specific legacy be effective in such case? J. Turłukowski
aptly remarks that “the provision concerning a certain person
cannot be interpreted as if devoid of significance for the testator
and only as a further specification of the content of the specific
. However, we need to acknowledge that the actual
intent of the testator will be of decisive importance. It can turn
out that for the testator it did not actually matter who was the
owner of the dominant tenement. If such event, we should
recognise the specific bequest as effective. If, however, we can
explicitly determine that indication of the owner of the
immovable by first and last name was of key significance to the
testator, such specific legacy will be deemed ineffective.
Summarizing, we should observe that the idea of supplementing
Polish succession law with new solutions allowing for a better
execution of the testator’s will and allowing testators to directly
transfer assets of their property to specific person deserves our
approval. The introduction of the specific bequest, an institution
know in central Poland for almost 140 years, should be
welcomed enthusiastically
. It is a solution that makes a great
step towards meeting social expectations within succession law.
Nevertheless, some of the detailed legislative ideas selected by
the legislator are controversial and difficult to interpret. The
analysis of views presented by representatives of the doctrine
regarding the object of the specific bequest shows that
contentious issues and interpretation doubts are numerous. It
negatively impacts the practical use of the institution.
Developing a uniform stand on the interpretation of the
introduced regulations by the doctrine would help the institution
to properly fulfil its functions established by the legislator -
functions which were also the motives for implementing this
institution in Polish law.
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