Departmen of management teories, Faculty management
science and informatics, Univerzity of Žilina, Univerzitná 1, 026
01 Žilina, Slovak Republic,
Departmen of management teories, Faculty management
science and informatics, Univerzity of Žilina, Univerzitná 1, 026
01 Žilina, Slovak Republic,
Departmen of management teories, Faculty management
science and informatics, Univerzity of Žilina, Univerzitná 1, 026
01 Žilina, Slovak Republic,
Departmen of management teories, Faculty management
science and informatics, Univerzity of Žilina, Univerzitná 1, 026
01 Žilina, Slovak Republic,
Clinic of Anesthesia and Intensive Medicine, Jessenius Faculty
of Medicine, Comenius University and University Hospital
Martin, Kollárova 2, Martin 03601, Slovak republic,
This study was supported VEGA 1/0363/14 Innovation management.
Abstract: In present, companies should watch market events to maintain their part or
eventually become market leaders. Their main goal is to find a gap in the market, new
opportunities, new ideas to archive part of the market in new field at its full. Therefore
they shouldn´t „oversleep on laurels“, but must constantly think about their
development and future direction. Currently the strategic direction of companies
should be based on knowledge of their employees. Equally important is the readiness
of the neighborhood to event (knowledge environs, especially customers). The article
discusses the use of various types of knowledge workers and their combination with
the knowledge of customers, so the company could correctly identify their direction
and choose the appropriate strategy.
Keywords: nuclear, advanced, innovation knowledge, strategy
Strategic decision making in managers, which went through
minor to major changes in last decades is no more like in
interwar period or during socialism or capitalism at its
beginning. Global impacts and different crises also caused that
strategic decision making (company’s strategy alone) gains
different point of view and seriousness. In strategic decision
making, it is possible to perceive increased demand of
information, which are basic of strategic decision-making. But as
managers are constantly chasing for competitive advantage to be
able to compete with another competitor, information itself are
not enough. Knowledge as connecting information, experience,
skill, personal attitude and individual willingness becomes
significant competitive advantage, which helps in strategic
decision making. Obtaining competitive advantage in form of
knowledge as input into strategic decision making is not enough.
Company needs to decide (strategically) but also fast
(strategically). To get this approach, connection people (with
their knowledge) and different methods, which facilitate and
accelerate strategic decision making could help.
1. Innovation
Innovation is commonly described as ‘creating value by doing
things differently’ or ‘creating value through doing something in
a novel way’. A simple version is ‘good ideas put to work’
(Culter and company, 2008)
As the first definition of innovation, innovation must be used in
practice, otherwise they remain only invention.
While inventions may occur anywhere, for example, on
universities or research institutes, innovation takes place mainly
in companies (although they are possible in other types of
organizations). To transform invention to innovation, enterprise
must combine different types of knowledge, skills, abilities, and
resources, for example production capacities, knowledge of
markets, well-functioning distribution system, sufficient
financial resources, etc.
However, many other definitions of innovation consider
expertise as their essence. We consider innovation as
fundamental change, which in economy is connected with
implementation of knowledge, which causes an increase the
value of the company-wide. The result of innovation is positive
change, leading to efficient use of resources. The innovative
potential of enterprises is the basis of wealth creation is
dependent on the formation of their knowledge strategy.
Innovation also means obtaining of knowledge from within the
existing organization, combining of information, data or
previous experience and generation of new uses for the resources
(Nonaka, Takeuchi, 1995)
ošturiak and Chaľ claim that innovation is learning, obtaining
of knowledge and experience, creativity and persistence,
enjoying work and enthusiasm for change – all depending on
people, their trust and cooperation. (Košturiak, Chaľ, 2007)
Overleaf, the results of the innovation management of the firm
create new explicit knowledge on products and technologies and
also lead to the accumulation of tacit knowledge As a
consequence, a firm’s innovation efforts lead to an increased
knowledge base. (Gómez, Manzanares)
Figure 1 Relationship between knowledge and innovations
2. Knowledge
Cutting knowledges utilized in enterprises introduced Gottschalk
and Zack. Knowledge divide to nuclear, and enhanced
According to Gottschalk nuclear knowledge is basic knowledge
necessary for the firm to remain in business. This is the type of
knowledge that can create effective barriers to new entry, also
prevent competition accelerate core business processes.
(Gottschalk, 2007)
Furthermore, according to Zack nuclear knowledge they are
minimal scale and mainly serve to make the company managed
to "play their game". Only have this knowledge, ensures long-
term competitive viability. On average, jointly owned by
members of the industry. Companies can do the same business
may use the same technology, but knowledge individualities are
different, and therefore the company can do more to compete
than that which produces the same (Zack, 1999)
Employees can improve the internal process. Tiwana argues that
nuclear knowledge is the basic level of knowledge required to
"play the game".
Furthermore, according to Gottschalk improved knowledge
makes companies a competitive visible and active. Such
knowledge enables the enterprise to distinguish its products and
services from the competition through the application of better
knowledge in certain areas. Such knowledge enables the
company to compete with competitors in the same market as the
same group of customers (Gottschalk 2007). According to Zack
improved knowledge will be competitively viable enterprise. An
enterprise may generally have the same degree, extent or quality
of knowledge as competitors but there is a specific knowledge of
enterprise content that is differentiated between competitors.
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