country. All companies are focused mainly on two parameters
such (1) price, (2) production costs, (3) quality. From the
correspondence analysis of region and index typical results are
shown. Both of western and southern companies are focused
mainly on financial performance and profit results. Eastern
companies particularly focus on cost level (they describe lowest
costs such indicator of effectiveness). On the other hand, focus
of northern companies is put into quality area. Country origin of
outdoor producer could impact their purchase behaviour. For
confirmation of this prediction there was applied research in
consumer market.
According to the observed results (see Table 7), consumers
chose brand of outdoor wear from mainly from Alpen countries
(86,59 %), Scandinavian countries (82,20 %), and from Czech
Republic (74,31 %). Such the main reasons for chosen producer
from one of these three region are association of outdoor
activities and tradition of outdoor production. Asian producers
are not well adapted in Czech market, because there are still
perception Asian products as low quality. Because of the
globalization and opening world markets, that customer’s
perception bring to producers challenge for better innovation in
various products for leisure time activities.
6 Conclusions
Process of evaluation financial performance usually traditional
indicators, developed from accounting data. These financial
indicators provide relatively easy traceability as such data
constitute the part of obligatory reporting (financial statements,
balance and profit/loss statement form the part of annual
balancing). Many authors (Cardinaels, Van Veen-Dirks, 2010;
Philips, Louvieris, 2005; Fernandes, Raja, Whalley, 2006)
employed diversity of financial indicators on specific corporate
Financial indicators are consider as kind of ratios, employed in
strategic management activities to provide reached results to all
key stakeholders by e.g. balance sheets, income statements, and
statements of cash flows. In general, financial ratios are
expressed in connection to other variables by various terms as
percentages or fractions (Kotane, Kuzmina-Merlino, 2012;
Suarez, Lesneski, Denison, 2011).
The main objective of the paper is find out which indicators in
field of financial performance are used, and identify relationship
between these indicators (in factor form) and corporate size, and
European region. Realised research showed, that companies in
outdoor-wear industry look on financial statement of own
performance. For observed factor there was applied Pearson chi-
square test of independence, by which were evaluated
connection within size of company and region of the company.
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