4 Conclusion
The importance of economic security is confirmed by number of
theoretical and empirical analyses conducted to determine
criteria and factors of economic security. Their conclusions are
influenced by the level of economic and social development and
economic freedom in the selected countries.
Our main objective was to prove the existence of the Index of
Economic Freedom and its importance regarding the economic
policy. Generalization of the evaluation of the relationship
between the Index of Economic Freedom and the
macroeconomic indicators by group of countries meeting the
criteria of economic freedom in a comparable manner has
become a subject of interest in our analyses.
A comparison of EFW values in a set of EU countries confirms
limited practical applicability of the EFW indicator. Variability
of the values of subindices and the total score of the Index of
Economic Freedom has an important impact on the identification
of the mutual relationship between the Index of Economic
Freedom and indicators characterizing source sufficiency, public
sector, autonomy and the economic stability.
We did not find an indicator that can be generally used to predict
the trend of the development of economic freedom. By linear
regression, no relativity of EFW index on GDP or inflation was
defined. In V4 countries EFW index linearly correlates with
public debt. Tax burden and inflation are not linearly related.
Therefore, we can state limited usefulness of the economic
freedom indicator in practical economic policy. Comparing its
value with the values of macroeconomic indicators is considered
to be an autonomy criteria and describing the objectives of the
socio-economic system seems to be a solution for this problem.
In each case, prediction of future economic freedom requires
identification of indicator that is the most closely related to the
EFW characteristics.
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