the ones independent from the field. We set following questions
in our research:
RQ 1: Can we assume statistically important positive
relationship between independence from the field and ability to
achieve cognitive closure?
RQ 2: Can we assume statistically important positive
relationship between independence from the field and the need
for achieving cognitive closure?
RQ 3: Can we assume statistically important positive correlation
between all dimensions of creativity and the ability to achieve
RQ 4: Can we assume statistically important positive correlation
between the need for cognitive structure and all dimensions of
RQ 5: Can we assume statistically important positive
relationship between independence from the field and figural
2 Method and Methodology
In the process of gathering research data itself we proceeded
according to accurately determined instructions of relevant test
manuals and available information from other researches.
2.1 Participants
The sample was formed by 148 participants from 18 to 19 years
who attended grades with school-leaving exams. We chose this
category not only because accessibility but also on the basis of
relative stability of cognitive functions. The choice was
occasional and we had 95 women and 53 men.
2.2 Measuring tools
We used revised version of Roets's and Van Hiel's (2007) NFC
scale to estimate the level of need for closure. The scale is
standardized in Belgium. We adopted it and translated, it is not
standardized in our country. The scale is formed of 41 questions;
every question is evaluated on 6 point Likert scale from 1 (total
disagreement) to 6 (total agreement). Individual items are
categorized into 5 differentiated dimensions. The first dimension
is known as a preference of order and structure in respondent's
life and hatred of chaos and confusion. The second dimension
“preference of predictability” represents the desire of individual
to predict future actions. The third dimension “decisiveness” is
evaluated highly by those respondents who find themselves
quickly deciding people. The items of fourth dimension
“unconformity from ambiguity” are highly evaluated by people
who need to have direct and clear answers in their lives. Fifth
dimension's “rigidity” - highly evaluated by those who are not
likely to change their knowledge by alternative attitudes. The
coefficient of Cronbach's alpha within our research sample
without removing any item had figure 0,808.
The ability to achieve cognitive structure - AACS created by
Bar-Tal (1994). The survey is not standardized as well, and was
adopted and translated. It is formed of 24 items evaluated on 6
point Likert scale from 1 (total disagreement) to 6 (total
agreement). The survey is single-dimensional and measures how
the participants perceive their ability to achieve certainty by
creating meaningful conclusion (of whole). Fourteen questions
are formulated the other way round, that is the reason why it is
necessary to evaluate the answers reversely, in other words 1 =
6, 2 = 5, 3 = 4, 4 = 3, 5 = 2, 6 = 1. The coefficient of Cronbach's
alpha within our research sample without removing any item had
figure 0,790. We assume that the method was relatively reliable.
The dependence and independence from the field was estimated
by Group Embedded Figures test (GETF) of Olman, Raskin and
Witkin (1962). We used the Czech test version, which is not
standardized in our country, but proceeds from standardized
version of Witkin et al. (1962). The principle of test is to find
simple shape in more complicated complex of figures. Number
of these figures is 25 (only 18 are included) and they create 3
sets. The first set includes 7 simple practice figures which
participant has 2 minutes to solve. This set is not evaluated. The
second and the third set include 9 items which are taken into
account of overall result. Every participant has 5 minutes to fill
in one set. Overall administration of the test lasts around 15
The level of creativity was estimated by Torrance's test of figural
(Jurčová 1983) on the third task-(circles). This task
measures 4 attributes: fluency, flexibility, originality and
elaboration. The main goal of the task is to use 30 circles on two
sides, the circles being the main part of anything the participant
creates. Participants with high scores in figural flexibility should
not suffer from rigidity of thinking, they should be able to
promptly produce various ways of solving troubles, which they
can change quickly if necessary. Figural originality is more
typical with people who immediately create new, smart,
humorous and very extra-ordinary ideas, which provided with
high figural elaboration are elegantly formulated, elaborated into
details and completed.
2.3 Design
The research was realized in September, October and November
of 2017. Administration was realized during one 45-minute-long
class. During the first 15 minutes we presented GETF test for
estimating dependency and independency from the field to our
participants. Afterwards, after filling in GEFT test we introduced
the third task of Torrance's test of figural creativity to our
participants, who were solving it for 10 minutes. After finishing
we handed them: NFC scale and AACS survey, which were
filled in 15 minutes. We used remaining 5 minutes for
3 Results and discussion
Right before the identification of correlation coefficients phase
itself we realized an analysis-existence of normal distribution of
our research sample. In results we found out, that normal
distribution of data doesn't exist within our sample. Significance
level of nearly all variables was below 0,05, which means we
used non-parametric tests.
In tables, E1 represents figural elaboration, F stands for figural
fluency, Fx for figural flexibility, O for figural originality, GEFT
independency from the field, NFC need for closure and AACS
the ability of achieving it.
Our first research question was whether we could assume
statistically important, positive relationship between
independence from field and the ability to achieve closure. As
we can see in Table 1, we identified statistically important,
negative relationship (-0.138, p < 0.5) between the ability to
achieve closure and independence from the field.
The second research question was whether we could assume
statistically important, positive relationship between need to
achieve cognitive closure and independence from the field.
Sarmány-Schuller and Sollar haven't discovered statistically
important relationship between need for cognitive closure and
independence from the field in their research (2002). As we can
see in the Table 1, we haven't discovered any statistically
important relationship between need for closure and
independence from the field neither, which confirms our
Table 1 Spearmann's correlation coefficients between GEFT,
*Significance level is p < 0,05.
The third question was whether there is any statistically
important, positive correlation between the ability to achieve
closure and figural dimensions of creativity. As we can see in
Table 2, we haven't indentified any significant relationship
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