University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business
Department of Production Management and
Logistics, Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava, Slovak
The article is prepared as one of the outcomes of a research project VEGA no.
1/0305/15 "Impact of environmental tools on the growth of competitiveness and
sustainability of businesses" conducted by Department of Production Management and
Logistics of University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Abstract: Innovation management is an important part of an overall management in a
company, depending on it from point of existence and prosperity. It is broad
knowledge and process system, useful tool not only in company management, but in a
whole social system. The aim of this article is mainly current situation in selected area,
there is an analysis and implication of author's own thoughts, their presentation and
their explanation and expressing an opinion on development of start-ups in businesses
in Slovakia. This is all discussed within the context of knowledge and experience from
abroad and in connection with conditions and their development in European Union.
On the basis of statistical verification, we verified the links and the dependence
between the data obtained from the survey.
Keywords: innovation, incubators, start-up
1 Introduction
In current conditions of development, where elements of
globalisation and internalisation are strongly presented and there
is a stress on involvement of governmental institutions, but also
internal innovation process of business units, the centre needs to
be shifted corresponding cultural development in organisations
and management of business development. It needs to be
emphasised and explained, that innovation process should be
understood as development of new products, from point of
acquiring or exercising of innovation to introducing the product
on a market. It is a preparation and continual application of
innovation changes in given process. The outcome of innovation
process might be utilised change, or realised innovation.
Research and results of the study in general confirmed that
innovation process mat be divided into three main parts:
Creation of invention,
Creation of innovation,
Penetration of innovation.
Each of these parts has its own internal solution. This will not be
further discussed in this context. Content and expectations are
given by theory and practice of businesses. It needs to be added
that during innovation process there is a decrease of thoughts,
initiatives and ideas. This attribute belongs to innovation process
standards. Not even "thought through" business plan must be an
accelerator of innovation process changes of a business unit.
Mistakes in business calculations may regard costs of innovation
process, lifecycle of product, marketing, financial analysis,
human resources. We believe that within this process, marketing
analyses have the greatest meaning. Those include consumption
needs and need for products, market research, and competition,
production potential, quality, scientific and technological
development. Marketing preparation of innovation in a business
should come to so called production and business marketing.
Management of project in innovation development is closely
connected to innovation development. Management of projects
contribute to acceleration of scientific and technological
development in following ways:
Connects all phases of innovation process from the
moment of deciding when innovation will be realised to its
Induces clear responsibility for the whole innovation.
Executes strict preparation for all phases of innovation
Controls of fulfilment of planned objectives and aims of
innovation project are responsibly secured and top
management of given organisation can be promptly
Accelerates innovation realisation.
Successful deployment of innovation.
When we look into a linguistic aspect of a word incubator, we
will find out it comes from Latin. In medicine it is a machine
maintaining the same temperature and other conditions for life of
underdeveloped organs. Expertly it means artificial hatchery. In
economics, incubators proved themselves as an institute
preventing needless business failures of starting companies on a
very competitive market. Their aim is to create certain business
connection between newly created innovation companies and
later own commercialisation of production on a market. They
help new small businesses to overcome first difficult years of
their existence. Incubators are known in the world under
numerous terms such as, innovational, technological, business
centres or scientific and technological parks, or technopolis.
2 Literature review
In scientific literature we can find such terms as "scientific park"
or "innovation centre". In summary, they are workplaces that
support effective flow of innovation process from results of
science and research till practice, further there is successful
development of small innovation companies, transfer of
technologies and high-tech provided by their own background,
services of all kinds. Szabo et al. (2017) emphasize the
importance of information technologies in all sectors of the
economy. The growing importance of information technologies
in business adds to the dependence of subjects on information
technologies. Good and accessible information today has a
strategic economic and social importance for management and is
an important element of innovation.
Here belong also so-called establishment centres, whose mission
is to help in forming new small and medium businesses, creating
space for these businesses, so they would have a chance to
survive starting phase and further development. They offer
variable spaces, common administration and further services,
consulting services in management, research and consulting
institutions. Small starting businesses have advantageous
financial conditions (tax allowance, lower rent, active loan
support). Start-ups are young, starting, quickly and dynamically
growing businesses expected to develop quickly and
exponentially and to achieve high return of invested means in a
relatively short time and therefore their business is often built on
innovations, improvement of high technologies and formation of
user applications (Ljudvigová and Slávik, 2017).
businesses are requested to achieve technical and technological
standards using their technologies in time period of two or three
Synonym of establishment centres are incubators that help with
the start of small innovating companies to prove themselves on a
market and decrease their risks. In practice, incubators have
different forms, the most common are these:
Public and non-profit incubators. They are financed by
government or non-profit institutions with priority aim of
economic development of regions (share of these incubators in
USA reaches 49%).
University academic incubators. They tend to be built close to
universities and are related to university research. They differ in
significant share of own sources and clearly educational aim
when achieving economic development in a region (their share
in the USA is 17%).
Private incubators. They are set up by professional entrepreneurs
individually, mostly from their own resources, then there are
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