Analysis of fourth question, whether the statistically important,
positive relationship between figural dimensions of creativity
exists, revealed that there isn't such relationship within our
sample, which is completely in accordance to our results
obtained by Sarmány-Schuller and Sollár (2002). However,
more detailed analysis of factors of need for closure and
individual figural dimension revealed weak, but statistically
important relationship between figural elaboration and facet
decisiveness of NFC survey (r = 0,166, p = 0,22). Facet
decisiveness of NFC survey contains items, which evaluates
individual as generally decisive or indecisive. Some items of
AACS survey basically research the same, which explains the
relationship between AACS and NFC, to which points Bar-Tal
(2013). By way of an example of fifth research question, we can
see clear medium strong, statistically important relationship (r =
0,352, p = 0,001) between figural elaboration and independency
from the field; which not only clearly confirms logical analogy
between these two concepts, but also is used to explain these
weak, achieved relationships between figural elaboration,
independence from the field with need and ability to achieve
closure to a certain extent. We assume, that these weak
relationships, which we obtained, are based on the limits of
surveys NFC and AACS themselves. These surveys don’t have
projective function unlike tests which measure independency
from the field and figural dimensions of creativity and thus they
don't measure directly whether the respondent tends to decide
systematically more often, but only latently, through
hypothetical attributes of people, whom we assume to decide
strictly heuristically.
3.1 Limits
One of the main limits is weak representativeness of our research
sample caused by not identifying normal distribution nearly in
all variables, and thus excessive number of respondents
achieving extreme values on the edges of Gauss's curve. Hardly
controllable impacts like insufficient attention of participants or
descending motivation directly proportioned with time needed to
fill in test sheets. Using too long surveys AACS (24 items) and
NFCS (41) which nowadays already have their shortened
versions or wrong discriminatory ability of AACS survey, which
doesn't discriminate between deciding with economic, moral or
legal context.
4 Conclusion
Our results imply that independency from the field within our
sample probably doesn't allow participants to decide quickly and
without difficulties, oppositely, it forces them to slow, more
elaborated and deep deciding, which reflects in them presenting
themselves as people who decide longer and harder in AACS
survey. However, on account of lower value of correlation
coefficient and insufficient representativeness of population of
our sample these interpretations have significant limits. This is
why our future goal is to create more representative sample, i.e.
more participants and more randomly chosen sample, to design
new method of performance type, which would measure
tendency in various situations of deciding more validly and
decide quickly (heuristically) or slowly (systematically) with
variously differentiated context.
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