possible because only one therapeutic community was involved
in the research.
The statistical hypotheses´ testing does not show the adventure
therapy efficiency either. It only shows all the used methods and
treatment means in the therapeutic community.
Discussion and conclusion
The presented results of the quantitative part of the research
correspond with some research studies. Autry (2001) describes
that her respondents - girls from 13 till 18 years with risk
behaviour improved their trust after the adventure therapy and
that is both self-confidence and trust in others in group. The girls
showed greater level of responsibility for themselves and they
joined team work more. Paxton and Mc Avoy (1999) studied
social psychological advantages of adventure therapy. They
found improvement with their respondents in the field of self
perception, feeling of being part of the group, and greater
responsibility. The Romaněnko research (2012) was focused on
the adventure therapy benefits from the point of view of the
therapists. Again we find similarities with our results mainly in
the question of the use of experience after the therapy ends.
(Romaněnková describes this as gaining stimuli for their future
free time activities), better self-confidence, responsibility, self-
respect, breaking their limits and improving the physical
condition. The adventure therapy is realized in very different
ways. Although all mentioned research fulfils the main
definition, the length and activities differ largely.
The results of the quantitative part of the research show that
clients after the adventure therapy in the therapeutic community
are aware of their benefits. There are also statistically significant
differences in the opinions of the clients of the first and third
phase of the treatment. Te clients of the first phase assess their
self-respect, independence, the cooperation ability and thinking
about the life values differently from the clients in the third
phase who are about to finish their treatment and leave the
community. These results show not only the benefit of the
adventure therapy but the benefits of all the complex treatment
in therapeutic communities which aims at both quitting the
addiction and the inner personality setting change.
We consider the results of the research as initial mainly because
of the limits of this research mentioned above. At this moment
the realization of the ongoing research project was approved. It
will work with standardized tests and their application before
and after the adventure therapy in six therapeutic communities in
the Czech Republic.
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