intelligent people make more accurate assessments about the
intelligence of the judged face. As was found out by Borkenau &
Liebler (1995), there was a strong correlation between the
observer’s intelligence and perceived intelligence from a face. In
contrast, Kleisner, Chvatalova, & Flegr (2014) found out, that
the accuracy of the perceived intelligence correlated with the
intelligence of the observer only in men.
The evolutionary advantage to detect intelligence from a face is
quite straightforward, already subtle deviations from average
attractiveness can signal low fitness (Zebrowitz & Rhodes,
2004). People with asymmetrical faces can be perceived as
having lower intelligence and health than those with symmetrical
faces even though this perception may be erroneous (Rhodes et
al., 2001, Zebrowitz et al., 2002), but the benefits of acquiring a
high-quality mate are higher than the possibility to fail in
responding to the mate fitness information (McArthur & Baron,
As mentioned above, at the individual level, people may exhibit
different preferences for an ideal partner, which originate from
the premise that people prefer partners who have similar
personality traits as they do. Assortative mating occurs in many
areas, from socio-economic, educational, psychological to
physical (Domingue, Fletcher, Conley & Boardman, 2014;
Silventoinen et al., 2003). To be an extravert and to obtain an
extravert partner has an evolutionary advantage, as well as, to be
intelligent and to have an intelligent partner. Extraversion and
intelligence represent specific features visible in the faces which
can be signs of “good genes” and overall health of the beholder.
Within the meaning of assortative mating premise, one’s own
mate quality is related to the choice of a high-quality mate.
Therefore, the aim of this research is to study (1) the role of
verbal intelligence and (2) the role of extraversion within the
process of attractiveness and intelligence evaluation of
composite faces.
2 Method
Composite faces - Stimuli were composite introvert/extravert
faces and faces representing three different levels (low, middle
and high) of intelligence.
Extravert/introvert faces - The used stimuli are composite faces
of extravert/introvert male and female faces prepared by Penton-
Voak et al. (2006). Any face is a composite 10% of participants
(15 faces) scoring highest and 10% scoring lowest on the big
five self-report personality dimension - extraversion. The mean
X and Y coordinates of each feature point were calculated to
generate average shape information. The procedure in this task
was to answer the question: “Which face do you like more?” and
to choose from two possibilities: an extravert face or an introvert
Faces representing three different levels of intelligence - The
stimuli are composite faces prepared by Kleisner, Charvatova, &
Flegr (2014). Three photographs of female faces (see picture 1)
and three photographs of male faces representing three levels of
intelligence were used. The more is a face intelligent the more it
shows overall dilations in the area between the eyes and mouth,
the root of the nose is enlarged, and the nose is prolonged. The
area of the chin is more constricted. By contrast, faces with a
lower attribution of intelligence have eyebrows closer to each
other, the base of the nose is narrowed, the nose is shorter, and
the area of the chin is dilated (Kleisner, Charvatova, & Flegr,
2014). The procedure in this task was to choose the prettiest face
from three faces and after several other tasks, these three faces
appeared again with the task to choose the most intelligent one.
Figure 1: Composite female faces representing three levels of
intelligence (Kleisner, Charvatova, & Flegr, 2014)
Measurement of the Intelligence - The Test of Intellectual
abilities (Vonkomer, 1992) has been used to measure verbal
intelligence. The test is standardized in the Slovak population.
The subtest of verbal abilities consists of twenty items. The task
is to create a word from the group of letters arranged in incorrect
order using all of the letters. The word is a noun in singular and
basic form (since Slovak language has declinations in nouns).
The subtest was taken under a time limit.
Personality traits - Personality Inventory KUD (Miglierini &
Vonkomer, 1986) was used for quick assessment of personality
traits. These personality traits are included:
dominance/submissiveness, rationality/sensuality, and
extroversion/introversion. Each trait is represented by 8 items,
with these possible answers: agree/disagree/neither. Sample
items: “I’m calm even if I decide about something that I really
care about”, “Generally, I act upon a predetermined schedule”.
Only extraversion/introversion is analyzed in this research.
Research sample - The research sample consists of 2106
participants (M=24.10, SD=10.15), from which 1253 are female
(59.4%) and 853 participants are male (40.4%). Participants
gained the mean score in verbal intelligence 15.42 points which
equals 6-7th sten (in compliance with Slovak norms).
3 Results
First, we analyzed participant’s face preferences using one-
sample chi-square to compare the number of trials on which
participants chose the more extravert face as the more attractive
with what would be expected by chance alone. Similar results
are provided by the comparison of extravert/introvert male face
preference and extrovert/introvert female face preference (tab.
1). The number of participants who prefer extravert male face
over introvert male face differs significantly (X
=52.457; df=1;
Sig=0.000). In addition, the preference of the extravert female
face shows the same tendency as in the case of the extrovert
male face, the number of participants who prefer extravert
female face is significantly higher than the number of
participants who prefer introvert female face (X
=542.516; df=1;
Table 1: One sample Chi-Square for the attractiveness of the
images of introvert/extrovert faces
Introvert male
face preference
Extrovert male
face preference
Introvert female
face preference
Extrovert female
face preference
We analyzed participant’s face preferences using one-sample
chi-square to compare the number of trials on which participants
chose the most intelligent face as the best choice (tab. 2). We
have obtained similar results as in the first comparison, the most
intelligent face is considered to be the most attractive in both
cases - male face (X2=677.066; df=2; Sig=0.000) and female
face (X2=827.555; df=2; Sig=0.000). Results show that the most
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