The issue of the cultural and pedagogical aspects of the regional
and the global is always up-to-date in our multicultural world.
For this reason, exploring this issue is of permanent importance.
This applies more if special attributes are associated with
generally valid statements. This paper was about the
specification of a national minority, the Slovaks in Romania.
The analysis was based on the multidimensional impact of the
cultural environment in relation to the region itself – both in
school and out-of-school settings. The natural pedagogical
understanding of this phenomenon from the aspect of the pupil
in the given region has been emphasised. Cultural awareness is
extremely important for pupils in terms of the formation of their
natural intellectual personality. We have not even forgotten the
obvious impact of global culture on the complex development of
the individual, whereas we have gradually narrowed the scope of
our interest to the partial issue of the regional identity of the
representatives of this national minority. We have gradually
pointed out the specificities of the natural development of a
national culture with regard to the literary-historical segment of
this enclave in relation to the regional and the global. This
methodological approach gave a multidimensional picture of the
position of the selected starting point, while describing some
procedures, theories, ideas and experiences characterized the
specific shaping of the personality of the pupil from the position
of various sociological fields: culture, pedagogy and sociology.
On the basis of the above, we can claim that the culture of a
nationality lives especially in contact with another culture
(context). It is only such diverse contacts that create “... light,
shining forward and backward engaging the text into dialogue ...
This contact is a dialogic contact between texts ... Mutual
understanding between centuries and millennia, among nations,
nationalities and cultures provides the complex unity of all
mankind, all world cultures ...” (Bachtin, 1988, p. 395 and
p. 401). Therefore, we agree with this unstoppable and always
valid idea of Michail Machajlovič Bachtin, thus creating a united
in a special, special in a unified, global in a regional, regional
and global ... Therefore, we agree with this everlasting and
always va
lid idea of Michail Machajlovič Bachtin, since this is
the way of creating the universal in the special, the special in the
universal, the global in the regional, and the regional in the
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