Figure 5 Regression model GCIxWP
a GCIxCr
in Hungary
Source: own processing
Note: PP - written premium in life insurance
In Slovakia, the relationship between GCI and year-to-year
change in GDP and premiums written is monitored. These
relationships can be described as
GCI = 60,0695 + 0,328465*GDP, respectively
GCI = 79,5477 - 0,35187*WP
While the power of the first model is very low (R
= 0,3447),
the second model allows the relationship of these variables to be
considered as statistically significant (R
= 0,9047).
Figure 6 Regression model GCIxWP
in Slovakia
Source: own processing
Note: PP - written premium in life insurance.
4 Conclusions
Although the development of the country's insurance market is
linked to the growth of the economy, as we have seen on the
development of selected indicators, we cannot confirm our thesis
about the impact of the insurance market's development on the
competitiveness of the country.
Based on the above results, we can state that the assessment of
the competitiveness of the V4 countries is not determined by the
development of the insurance market and the development of the
economy expressed by the individual indicators. An exception is
the relationship between the GCI index and the premium written
in Slovakia, which makes it possible to assume that the
development of the insurance market determines the country's
performance in assessing its competitiveness.
This article may enrich our knowledge and provide scope for
further exploration in this area in the future.
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