challenging tasks or job promotion. In other cases, it is just a
praise or an interesting opportunity. Instead, many organizations
do not rely on effective performance under clearly defined
success criteria, or their criteria are too narrow and have
unexpected consequences for the organization and its key
partners (Mouvius & Susskind, 2010, str. 88).
Invaluable performance review can be a great opportunity for
managers to learn about new things in an innovation process that
could be used for the entire organization (Mouvius & Susskind,
2010, str. 91).
2.2 Assessment and measurement of employee performance
Employee assessment is of great importance for the functioning
of businesses or different institutions. In practice, employee
appraisal and performance in an enterprise means determining
how the employee performs his / her work, tasks and
requirements that are related to his / her job content and also his /
her work behavior towards other colleagues (Vetráková et al,
2007, s. 51).
Working performance evaluation represents a process in which
organization evaluates performance as well as competence and
working behavior of employees. If this evaluation is well
prepared and conducted its results can mean impact for
individual employees, managers and whole organization
(Stachová, 2012).
"When you cannot measure it, you cannot even control it." The p
erformance measurement system has a very strong impact on the
behavior of people inside and outside of the business. In order to
survive and thrive businesses in the information age, they must
use management and measurement systems based on their
strategy and capabilities. Many businesses formulate strategies
for their customer relationships, key competencies, and in-house
capabilities, but employees are only motivated by financial
indicators, and their performance is also being evaluated in this
way (Kaplan & Norton, 2005 str. 29).
The normative part of the organization's assessment asks not
only to identify the nature of the issues we want to eliminate but
also to specify what steps to do for remedial action - including
coaching, clear benchmarks, motivational incentives, individual
success factors. They must agree on clear rules. It is important to
build a rating to highlight the critical need to improve the
business strategy, the steps to be taken to build the organization's
ability to respond to change and achieve the expected successes
(Movius & Suskind. 2010).
In the view of several authors (Woolliscroft et al., 2013; Saniuk
et al., 2015), performance indicators should be chosen to be
understandable to all groups of employees at all levels of
management. It is important to familiarize them with the
employees and to analyze whether there are barriers eliminating
the increase in employee performance.
An enterprise should define performance standards that are tied
to enterprise Key Performance Indicators. This should
correspond to the individual goal metrics consistent with
business strategy and business goals. Employee Performance
Management and Employee Performance Management System
can build enterprise culture in a precise and long-term manner.
Corporate culture consists of “values “, “beliefs“ and “standards“
effecting thoughts and behavior of people in enterprises. They
are key factors used to describe corporate culture. The corporate
culture determines how employees describe where they work,
how they understand the business, and how they see themselves
as a part of the organization. Culture is also a driver of decisions,
actions, and ultimately the overall performance of the
organization, whether it is private or public sector (Hitka et al.,
2015). It depends on employee´s involvement into designing of
assessment system, domination of feddback type in organization
and dominating of stimulation system (Papsiene & Vaitkevicius,
At present, it is necessary to identify and define the key
parameters of Sustainable Business Performance. An open
question remains the way of measuring performance, individual
indicators that would allow comparisons, or in time, between
departments, respectively businesses to each other.
The total potential of employees can be used for benefit of the
organization through shared values, by fostering mutual trust and
facilitating initiatives. Staff involvement and communication
with them enables using their skills to benefit the organization.
(ISO 9004.2009)
The organization should motivate people to understand the
significance and importance of their responsibilities and
activities in relation to the creation and provision of value for the
customers and other interested parties. (ISO 9004.2009)
2.3 Current trends in employee performance evaluation
Employee assessment, which in essence represents a qualitative
assessment of the performance and personal benefits of
employees, can serve as a tool for identifying the level of
competence. The extent to which the outcome reveals the level
of fulfillment of the individual competencies is determined by
setting the criteria of which evaluation system (V
aňová, Gyurák
Bábeľová, 2011).
The basis for assessing work behavior is often the so-called
competence model, based on corporate values and expressing the
profile of an ideal employee. Competency model is a complex of
measurable personality traits, abilities and working habits that
enable the employee to perform at the position.
Employee development within the specific needs and
requirements of the business is becoming more and more
important. For this reason, the evaluation process concentrates
more and more on the potential of employees, the level of their
own thinking and thinking. The potential of employees for their
strategic value for an enterprise becomes more important than
the currently measured performance capability. Therefore, the
evaluation is relevant not only for the present (or past)
performance of the employee but for his / her development
360-degree rating: The tool itself, promising just a
comprehensive evaluation and integration of different viewing
angles, is a 360-degree rating. In practice, this gains increasing
importance. In it, they express the opinions of superiors,
colleagues, co-workers and clients. This exemplar model is
promoted in practice according to cultural and organizational
assumptions in various variations. Most often, a supervisor's
view is completed only with a request from co-workers (180
degrees) or a client opinion selected (270). By marking "360
degrees", it is to be emphasized that self-image in terms of self-
evaluation / self-assessment is the basis and assumption of
Assessment Center (AC) and Development Center (DC) –
Evaluation and Development Programs: AC and DC means in
practice diagnostic or evaluation centers, which are required to
assess the performance of managers, as well as specialists, rather
than normal workers in production. This type of assessment is
conducted through in-depth, detailed interviews, psychological
testing, and simulations of various work activities or actions.
The biggest drawbacks in this type of assessment are mainly
financial and time-consuming, and the fact that information
about an employee in a so-called fictitious or simulated
environment may not be in line with his real work performance
at a real workplace
(Kachaňáková, 2007).
Managerial competencies are recommended to evaluate in the
Development Center or through psychological and personality
tests. DC is a moderated meeting, where participants-
assessments engage in group and individual assignments and are
led by a structured personality interview. In DC, unlike AC, all
the competences displayed and all their levels, not just required
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