for a particular job, are monitored. Feedback evaluators and
interpreters should be trained by LL staff and external
consultants for staffing and training agencies. Psychological and
personality tests should only be evaluated by psychologists. DC
is demanding both for the preparation and for the content and
time-based implementation, and therefore it is, used mainly by
the employees involved in the career planning.
The various tools used to assess the performance and potential of
employees are often deployed in companies in parallel. There is
no absolute trust in individual human resources management,
more efforts are being made for balanced employee observation
and a combination of different evaluation tools. This may
relativize the subjectivity of the superiors, the personal
engagement of colleagues and the laboratory effect assessment
processes. The endeavor is to compose the individual view
angles into the overall image of the scorer. A reliable statement
about the potential and performance capabilities of an employee
is required, which implies the basic direction for the next
individual development.
3 Methodology
The aim of the submitted contribution is to summarize the
acquired knowledge, to identify problems in the field of
measurement and evaluation of the employees' performance and
to propose suitable starting points on the basis of previous own
surveys, as well as the use of secondary research (study of
existing available publications in the given field).
Data obtained from questionnaires were processed and evaluated
using mathematic and statistics to express frequency and
percentage of answers. Analysis and synthesis were used for
obtained information and various aspects of research problems
solutions discussing, so these methods were used to sort and
summarize identified data. Synthesis was used to ensure the
logical and idea entity of partial research results devoted by
analysis. Finally, the reached data from organizations were
4 Results
Within the research project "Identification key parameters of
sustainable performance of industrial enterprises in terms of
multicultural environment", we used a questionnaire survey
focused on the issue of enterprise performance. In addition, we
conducted secondary research of existing studies available to the
area and we used the study of the available literature sources.
We conducted the questionnaire survey amongst industrial
enterprises in Slovakia, it was completed by 169 enterprises (5,3
% microenterprises; 12,4 % of small enterprises; 37,3 % of
medium-sized enterprises and 45 % of large enterprises).
Based on answers from respondents, 85.1% of the organizations
surveyed perform a regular performance evaluation of
employees. The group of respondents did not rank the results
according to the size of the organization, as the evaluation and
measurement of the performance of their employees is not
carried out in micro-enterprises and in most small enterprises.
Middle and large businesses are evaluating employee
performance, and differences have not been found between
them. In their responses to the other questions in the
questionnaire, the respondents addressed the problems they
encountered in the field.
In the questionnaire was surveyed the frequency of measuring
and evaluating employee performance. The answers to this
question are related to the number of respondents who said they
were evaluating the performance of their employees. As
respondents had the opportunity to report multiple responses
(e.g. irregularly + annual, monthly + yearly), the question was
evaluated in absolute terms. As can be seen in FIG. 1, the
majority of respondents realize annual, respectively monthly
Figure 1. Survey of employee measurement and evaluation frequency.
Source: own processing
Then we focused on finding out what they consider the
organization as the biggest problem in the evaluation of
employees broken down by category, i. e. production staff
(operators, etc.), Technical and administrative staff and
The graphical representation of the survey results is shown in
Fig. 2, which suggests that respondents in all three categories
consider the evaluator's subjectivity as the biggest problem. In
the other criteria, different categories of employees are different.
The production staff is considered a problem of lack of time to
conduct interviews and assessment is considered unnecessary
formality which does not help. In the case of technical and
administrative staff, another criterion was the non-linking of the
evaluation results to remuneration and career growth. For
managers, the other criteria were setting measurable results and
short time for conducting interviews.
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