4 Results and discussion
A modified design of hydrogen production system is studied and
compared to the design of the Chunfeng Song et al. (2015) that
used heat integration technology to reduce the energy
consumption. In the original design eight heat exchangers were
used in the SMR process to recover energy and evaporate water
feedstock. Also, the outlet stream of LT-WGS reactor was
compressed to establish an optimal heat pairing between the
cold and hot streams. To optimize the PSA process, a heat pump
was used to recover the heat released from adsorption column
and reused it for sorbent regeneration.
In this study, the energy required for desorption column is
obtained by SMR process. Moreover, the energy released in the
adsorption column is used to increase the latent and the sensible
heat of the water feedstock in the SMR process. The S1 and S13
are pressurized up to 1010 Kpa which is done via compressor
(0.241 MW) and pump (1.61 KW). Similar to Chunfeng Song et
al. (2015) simulation, heat exchangers of 1 and 4 (0.16 MW and
0.003 MW) use the energy of extracted H2O from syngas to
increase water feed temperature. The HX-2 (0.341 MW), HX-3
(0.113 MW), HX-5 (0.81 MW) and HX-6 (094MW) are
recovering the syngas heat to increase the latent and sensible
heat of water feed stream. The mixture of vapor and methane is
preheated to reach the right temperature for the reforming
reaction. Therefore, HX-7 recovers 0.97 MW from the
reformers outlet flow and heater-1 consumes 1.52MW to heat
S4 up to 700°C.
While the heat pump is omitted in the new design of the PSA
process, adsorption heat is recovered via a heat exchanger (HX-
8) to prevent the heat loss in the conventional PSA process.
Therefore, HX-8 transfers the heat of adsorption to S18 to
increase the sensible and the latent heat of the water. The
recovered heat is around 0.98 MW. The saved energy used by
heat pump in the heat integrated PSA process in the Chunfeng
Song et al. (2015) design, is 0.36 MW. However, a small
difference in the amount of the recovered heat can be observed
between the HX-8 in this design and the HX-5 in the Chunfeng
Song et al. (2015) design. The difference causes an increase in
the total consumed energy of Heater 1 and 2. It rises from 2 MW
to 2.23 MW. Moreover, S12 provides the energy demands of the
desorption column, which HX-9 transfers 0.98MW energy from
S12 to S47.
The percentage of the saved energy in the new design, does not
meet the eye. Thus, to have a more energy efficient process,
temperature of reformer in the SMR process is increased from
700°C to 750°C. The temperature rise effects not only
conversion of methane in reformer but also heat recovery of
HX-7. While the HX-7 recovers more energy to preheat the feed
for reformer, the energy load for the Heaters 1 and 2 decreases.
Meaning, Heaters 1and 2 consume less energy (1.32 MW, 0.5
Figure 3 shows the minimum temperature difference in the heat-
integrated SMR process. It can be seen that the hot and cold
stream lines are almost parallel which indicates that there is hot
and cold streams are well paired. Also, there is a curve in the
lines that shows the minimum temperature difference between
the hot and cold streams. Figure 4 illustrates the pairing of the
hot and cold streams in the new hydrogen production process.
Generally, it can be observed that there is no energy loss or
consumption in proposed PSA process. Whereas in conventional
PSA process (9.71 Kj/mole H2) and heat integrated PSA process
(3.7 Kj/mole H2) more energy were wasted or consumed.
Furthermore, the energy consumption of the new SMR process
is 34.55 Kj/ moleH2, while in the conventional process and heat
integrated process was 92.4 Kj/mole H2 and 36.63 Kj/moleH2,
Figure 3: Temperature – enthalpy diagram for the heat
exchangers of proposed process
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of cold and hot streams in
proposed process
4 Sensitivity analysis
Reaction conditions are regarded as the key factors since their
effect on the process performance is significant. The most
relevant parameters are temperature and Steam/Carbon ratio
(S/C) which crucially affect the process.
Figure 5.A shows the variation of the hydrogen composition
versus temperature. It can be observed that the composition of
the outlet hydrogen stream increases while the temperature rises.
Since steam methane reforming reaction is endothermic, a rise
in temperature causes the reaction to move toward producing
more hydrogen.
Figure 5
A) Diagram of hydrogen composition-temperature in heat-
integrated SMR process where the temperature of the H-WGS
and L-WGS reactors are constant at 350°C and 200°C,
respectively, S/C ratio is constant at 3 and pressure (1010 Kpa)
is constant through the whole process.
In Figure 5.B, the effects of the steam to carbon (S/C) ratio are
analyzed. Based on the stoichiometry of the SMR and WGS
reactions, increasing the steam will cause the reaction 1 to move
further to the right side. Also, it causes methane in reaction 1
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