repeatability in the range of a few seconds of arc. This
enables positioning tasks to be carried out with sub-
Very long operating life - the MHD Micro gearboxes have
an operating life of 2500 hours at rated operating conditions,
that is, at rated input speed and rated output torque.
d) Very high reliability - the MHD Micro gearboxes have
an operating life of 2500 hours at rated operat ing
conditions, that is, at rated input speed and rated
output torque. his corresponds to many mi lion
operating cycles in practical applications and the
operating life of the Micro gearbox is typically
equivalent or longer than the expected opera ting life of
the machine in which it is used. The “life-cycle-costs” are
therefore considerably lower than for other solutions with a
lower initial cost.
High efficiency to avoid power losses - the Micro
Harmonic Drive® gear has an efficiency of up to 82%
at rated operating conditions.
Hollow shaft capability - the optional hollow shaft can be
used to pass laser beams, air / vacuum supply or
optical fibres through the centre of the gear or act uator
along the central axis of rotation.
Applicable under extreme environmental
conditions - the use of high quality materials, such as
stainless or high-alloy steels for the gearbox housing, input
/ output shafts and bearings, provides a high level of
corrosion resistance, even for standa rd MHD Micro
6. Conclusion
The main task of the rehabilitation engineering consists in design
proposal of special mechanical systems determined for disabled
persons and applied during the individual periods of the
rehabilitation process. The driving system is an integrated part of
every rehabilitation machine. he presented decomposition
therapeutic plant and the subsequent design of the drive system
based on the requirements to meet the target and the objective
function, in to ensure the quality of the therapeutic process with
the comfort of using modern methods of construction and IT
technology.The work presents and discusses the application of
tool selection offered partial elements of those may be generated
by the system.
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