such a process is the fact that the remaining factors of other
strategies are subordinated to the overarching strategy [8].
In implementing the development strategy, it is important to
analyze both the main and strategic goals. Establishing them will
allow us to manage our innovation strategy in a better and more
effective way. An example will be the analysis of objectives
(table 5) in the Polish economy for the Mazowieckie
Voivodeship, which was selected due to the highest rate of
innovation [14].
Table 5. Strategy goals tree
An increase in Mazovian innovation, leading to acceleration
of growth and increased competitiveness on the EU scale
Increase and
cooperation in
innovation and
An increase in
focused on the
development of
innovation in the
effectiveness of
support and
financing of
activities in the
Shaping and promoting pro-information
and pro-entrepreneurial attitudes
conducive to creativity and cooperation
Development of the information society
Source: [16].
In this case, the main goal will only be realized if the second-
order goals are met, namely the strategic goals. Three of them
refer to processes that effect in increasing innovation. The other
two focus on providing the potential for innovation, which is
built through shaping attitudes and developing knowledge in
society. It is worth adding that each of the strategic goals has
also assigned an operational objective.
Many modern enterprises, regardless of their size, owe their
success to a large extent to innovativeness, and what is
absolutely essential with it, is also an appropriate innovation
strategy. Increasingly, the competitiveness of economic entities,
and especially their competitive advantage, is determined not
only by the possession of specific assets, but above all by the
ability to use knowledge, experience, skills and technologies in
such a way as to offer potential clients the better and more
innovative products or services they desire.
It is important to approach system strategies in a systematic way.
The result of such action is the integration between analysis and
strategic planning. The sphere of these two elements is related to
the company and its surroundings, which in effect provides a
fundamental analysis of possible strategic situations.
The task of each company is to create a strategy for building and
planning innovations, by analyzing development opportunities in
obtaining new results and through investments in human capital
and new technologies, etc.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that business strategies are
an important element of innovation. Strategic management is a
very important aspect in the functioning of entities on the
market, because it requires advanced technology. Innovations
implemented in such entities lead to changes in the model of
implementation and investment of economic resources.
Summing up, on the basis of the theoretical analysis, it can be
stated that the issue of innovation is multidimensional and
extremely important for business entities operating on the
market. In addition, when researching innovation strategies, it
should be noted that there is still a need for further scientific
research aimed at deepening the existing knowledge in this field.
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