country inhabitant. However, it has to be remarked that often
such employees are temporarily transferred to the motherland of
their employer. As long as they gain strong knowledge of
language, and the view of work issues reduces the risk of
unemployment. Since they are often young people without a
family, such a lucrative income, which is multiplied by the
certainty of work and knowing its character and with a lot of past
experiences, goes abroad.
Findings from other research endeavors point out that the higher
the income of the household, the less women work and their
expectations for the ideal amount of working hours are lower
(Fedáková et al., 2008).
Figure 5: Sample by length of current employment
Source: Survey
Through our questionnaire, we tried to find dissatisfaction with
employment and possible resistance to work that they spend
overnight every day by going to work they do not enjoy.
However, the results of research clearly show employment
stability, as more than 55% of employees said they were more
than 4 years old in the workplace, which could be a sufficient
indicator of stability and thus also of satisfaction with the
working environment. Of course, there are always exceptions,
and there are always possibilities that we can improve. However,
it seems that the current situation is not alarming.
The research findings are presented and discussed in subsequent
3 Research Findings and Discussion
As first aspect of satisfaction with current employment, we
analyzed the financial question: the height of salary income.
Almost 80% of respondents are satisfied with their income
earned by work in a multinational company. Interestingly, more
than half of the underprivileged people have this income as
passive: retirement, university scholarship, dividends.
Figure 6: satisfaction with income
Source: Survey
When analyzing the length of employment as well as amount of
previous employment experiences, we analyzed the age of
respondents at their initial joining of job market. Interestingly,
more than two-thirds of the respondents started to work between
15 and 18 years of life. It could therefore be said that they are
ambitious individuals. They understood their role in the society
and the value of money earlier as it was understood by their
peers. To work in a multinational society requires a degree of
ambition. It is relatively easy to obtain a higher status there.
However, in almost every hierarchy of such a company, it is
possible to occupy only a certain level. For example, according
to the results of surveyed companies participated on this
research, senior managers are used to employ mainly people of
the parent's nationality. This situation can cause frustration in
very ambitious people, and if they have the ability to work on a
given position, their frustration with failure from discrimination
could lead to termination of employment. What internal staff
also confirmed.
In addition to 3 respondents, everyone started working at the age
of about 20 years of life, as up to ½ of the respondents have
university education 1
, 2
and 3
level, it means that the full
time employment was already during the attendance of the
university. Therefore, they are not only very ambitious but also
tenacious individuals. By their capabilities, they are able to
enroll at university and full time job at the same time. Thus, it is
possible to conclude that multinational companies place high
demands on the quality of their employees, their education and
their expertise. At the same time, it is possible to motivate such
employees, for example, language or other courses; learning
makes them happy and aware of how they improve their lives.
This gives the companies a wider choice of possible employee
benefits that their employees are interested in. At the same time,
it improves not only the relationship with employees but also
their educational level. This strategy is beneficial for both sides.
When directly investigating the employment satisfaction of
respondents, we found out that the dissatisfaction with current
employment exceeded 25% of all respondents for the cases of
dissatisfaction with superiors and inadequate or null career
progression possibilities. As the majority of survey respondents
were employed by global companies, we might deduce that the
dissatisfaction with superiors may often stem from significant
divergences in the nature, mentality and culture of distinguish
nationalities. This is often caused by pursuing overwhelmingly
the nature, mentality and culture of the founders or the higher-
ranking company. At the same time, it is necessary to take the
human relationships into consideration that became significantly
complicated for agitations and interactions in multicultural
environments and lead often to complex situations in terms of
leadership and management.
Next reason can be found in the nature of staffing of projects
where outsourced companies frequently use leasing of workforce
for only one purpose and for only a temporary period of time and
thus, to achieve the project goals. On the other hand, employees,
usually people coming from previous east block that conclude
middle and eastern Europe where the workforce is awarded with
significantly less amount of money, are commuting to work or
even leaving their region for employment in countries with
higher hourly rate. In such cases, it is important to emphasize
that such places do not offer almost any career potential growth
perspective that may cause burnout or a decrease in the interest
in continuing working in given job. From this, it can be assumed
that the globalization of companies and their behavior towards
employees has both social and economic impacts on society. We
think it would be better to explore the capabilities of
multinational companies that would adapt corporate culture to
their respective countries.
Less than 3 months
Up to 1 year
1-3 years
4-5 years
6+ years
- 48 -