Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, Zizkovo
nám. 5, Olomouc, Czech Republic
This article was created with financial support from the project of Grant fund of the
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, 2017, in the
framework of the project "Postoje žáků a učitelů k obsahu vzdělávání v předmětu
informatika na ZŠ a SŠ.
Abstract: The increasingly important position of English language in the world makes
children’s learning of English a concern of teachers as well as parents. However, due
to children’s cognitive traits, they are reluctant to spend a long time reading paper
books which, from their point of view, seem to be tedious and boring. Gradually, they
will probably lose interest in reading and for a long time this issue has vexed many
teachers and parents. With the development of computer technology, we have entered
into a digital age in which ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools
has been implemented into our lives and has become more accessible to children than
ever before. The children who grow up in a digital environment have become
affinitive to digital technologies. Many ICT tools have been proven to have the ability
to facilitate learning. It is possible to find a kind of technology to help children with
reading. An e-book is an ICT tool among them. It combines educational content
intended to teach and entertainment. It is a book publication made available in digital
form stimulating senses and making learning enjoyable. The concept of using e-books
in the process of teaching-learning is in conformity with the didactic principle of
audiovisual education and constructivism. In this paper, we will explore the features as
well as the benefits of children’s e-books, and analyze the theoretical foundation of
using e-books in education. We also share previous studies on the use of children’s e-
books. We come to the conclusion that an e-book is a useful means for supporting and
encouraging children’s learning of English as a second language. In the end, we will
provide the implication on the use of children’s e-books.
Keywords: e-books, children, English, language, learning, teaching.
1 Introduction
With the increasing importance of English language, children’s
learning of English has become a concern of many parents as
well as teachers. It is not uncommon that in many areas and
countries, teaching English to young children starts in primary
school or even pre-school education. Many children are required
by their parents to learn English in a learning center or at home
before going to school in order to outperform, or at least not to
lag behind their peers.
However, the traditional teaching method characteristic of
reading from textbooks is not suited to young children as many
children find it difficult to engage with a printed book for a long
period of time. This is due, on the one hand, to children’s
psychological peculiarity, they prefer fun learning to serious
learning; on the other hand, to their surroundings. Today the
enviroment that children grow up in is very different than that of
the past. They live in a society ubiquitous of digital technology
such as computer games, internet, digital toys, videogames,
digital music plays, video cams, etc. Different kinds of
experiences lead to different brain structures, “ says Dr. Bruce D.
Perry of Baylor College of Medicine. Their thinking and
processing information is far more different than their
predecessors (Prensky, 2001). Therefore, the old way of teaching
method and teaching materials is difficult to bring productive
learning outcome to the digital generations and new
methodology and new teaching materials should be adopted.
The advance of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) has brought out fundamental changes in the process of
education. Studies have indicated that ICT is an effective
teaching tool. Integrating ICT in the process of teaching-learning
helps students experience things virtually. For example, if a
teacher wants to lecture a topic about Disneyland they can
display the scene of Disneyland through a video as not all the
students have the opportunity to go there before the lecture. The
simulated enviroment gives student an experience similar to the
real experience. Also, the use of ICT can make learning more
interesting and therefore attracting the students‘ attention.
Numerous studies have indicated that ICT tools can enhance the
outcomes of English as a foreign language education (Wang
&Dostál, 2016). Integration of computer technology into the
process of education has become an irreversible trend in this
modern world. In current digital world, computer technologies
have grown exponentially such as educational DVDs, video,
television, computer games, educational series, and other online
network. This huge spread of ICT enables learners to gain a rich
access to computer technologies, giving them the chance to have
more frequent interactions with digital technologies, enabling
them to be more affinitive with digital tools than their
predecessors. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of an
appropriate learning technology for supporting children’s
learning of English. Today’s digital living environment and
children’s cognitive peculiarity brings us insight in the use of
digital materials to assist children’s learning.
The combination of technology with traditional industry brings
out many new things, such as E-business and E-community, in
the same vein, the combination of computer technology with
book publications brings about e-books. Recent studies have
indicated that an e-book can be an effective tool to support
children’s learning. An e-book, also called an electronic book, is
a book publication made available in digital form, readable on
the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices.
The contents of an e-book consist of text, images, or both, and
even multimedia resources such as sound, video and interactive
games (see Ebook). Nowadays, more and more e-books have
penetrated children’s lives and have a far-reaching impact on
children’s learning. Therefore, it is necessary to have a
comprehensive understanding of how an e-book can help
children’s learning and the important role an e-book plays in
encouraging and supporting children’s learning. In this paper, we
will analyze the features as well as the benefits of children’s e-
books, and also share previous studies on the use of children’s e-
books. It is concluded that an e-book is a useful means to better
children’s learning of English. In the end, we will provide the
implication on the use of children’s e-books.
2 Theoretical Framework
Audiovisual education is one of the main methodological
principles in pedagogy. It is a method of instruction that
advocates the use of audiovisual materials as supplementary
teaching aids to help learners’ comprehension and retention of
words and expressions taught. According to the Webster
dictionary, audio-visual aids is defined as ‘training or
educational materials directed at both the senses of hearing and
the sense of sight, films, recordings, photographs, etc. used in
classroom instructions, library collections or the likes”. There
are various types of audiovisual materials, such as pictures,
flashcards, radios, filmstrips, projected opaque materials,
microforms, recording, videos, slides, specimens,
demonstrations and other audiovisual tools
Audiovisual education has developed rapidly since the 1920s.
The concept of audiovisual education is advocated by John
Amos Comenius, a Bohemian educator, who was one of the first
to put up with a systematic method of audiovisual education. His
Orbis Sensualium Pictus (“Picture of the Sensual World”),
published in 1658, was profusely illustrated with visual pictures,
each playing an important role in teaching the lesson at hand.
Comenius was followed by other great educators, including
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, and J.H. Pestalozzi, who
advocated the use of sensory materials to supplement teaching
(see Educational entertainment). Studies have indicated that the
use of audiovisual aids makes students remember the concept for
longer period of time. Although the same meaning can be
conveyed through audiovisual materials as well as by paper
books, audiovisual aids express concepts vividly so that they
benefits students to retain the concepts and knowledge they
learned for longer duration than traditional verbal instruction.
Research indicates that audiovisual aids, when skillfully used,
can improve students’ critical thinking, imagination ability and
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