Competence and awareness
In accordance with Article 1.5 of ESG 2015, institutions should
assure themselves of the competence of their teachers. They
should apply fair and transparent processes for the recruitment
and development of the staff. Equally, Article 7.2 of ISO
sets out the requirements of competence
management. Therefore, management of the University laid
down clear rules of “quality” improvement of staff in 4 sub-
Figure 5. Quality of faculty processes
Quality assessment of higher education teacher consists of
assessment of:
Teaching activities
scope of direct and indirect teaching activities,
student feedback,
staff feedback (results of class visit).
Assessment of scientific-research and publication activities.
Development of teaching skills.
The faculties define target criteria for quality assessment of
teachers based on individual areas of research and results of
previous assessments.
Monitoring, measuring, analysis and assessment of
internal quality system
System of information collection, analysis and assessment of
provided study programmes and related services with the
objective of continuous improvement consists of a set of
integrated monitoring and measuring tools of the institution´s
internal system (Jill, 2016):
Measuring and analysing quality of the study programmes
and feedback from students
Measuring and analysing scientific-research activities
Measuring and analysing quality and development of the
teaching staff
Internal audit of the system and processes
Quality assessment of suppliers (in compliance with KP
10 TnUAD Asset Management)
Assessment of non-conformance and complaints
Assessment of corrective actions related to quality
Assessment of quality objectives and policy
Assessment of a study programme is carried out by guarantor of
the respective study programme based on results of assessment
of subjects A, assessment by employers B, assessment by
graduates C, assessments related to scientific- research activities
D (Figure 6). The guarantor evaluates individual areas of quality,
identifies strengths, risks and limitations and suggests measures
of study programme improvement. Objectives of the study
programme are defined and monitored via study programme
quality indicators:
Quality of
Appeal of study programme - number of
applicants, students, graduates.
Placeability of graduates.
Assessment of employer feedback.
Number of filed theses / number of thesis
of subjects
Results of the study.
Assessment of student feedback
Assessment via inspection of classes -
syllabus, organization of education,
forms of education, staffing, literature,
spatial, material, technical and
information resources of the study
Figure 6. Study programme assessment structure.
Performance indicators for individual areas of science and
research were defined on the basis of the following attributes:
environment (indicator A, D, E), output (indicator B),
acknowledgement (indicator C, G) in the respective field of
research via the following indicators:
Number of academic staff in the given field of research:
Annual IKA index.
Assessment of outputs based on categories and academic
degrees of full-time staff: Weighted sum of outputs / number
of academic staff.
Responses in WOS/SCOPUS/ERIH: Number of responses /
number of teachers.
Scope of academic mobility of doctoral students and
academic staff: Average length of stay per teacher.
Assessment of grant success rate:
Number of submitted projects / number of academic
Number of in-progress projects / number of academic
Amount of financial resources / academic employee.
Research infrastructure quality assessment: Amount of
financial resources invested into VV infrastructure / number
of academic staff
Acknowledgements: Frequency of categories A, B, C, D
Non-conformance, corrective action and improvement
Preventive role of the system is one of the key changes that were
crucial to understanding and implementation. The standard no
longer has a separate chapter or sub-chapter dealing with
preventive measures.
Recruitment of higher education
Adaptation process and skill
assessment of new teachers
Teaching skills development
Teacher qualification process
Development of higher education
"Quality" assessment of higher
education teachers
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