participating in different free-time activities in cooperation
with the seniors what is, at the same time, a prevention
against the drug addiction and antisocial behaviour
(Sanchéz Martínez et al., 2010).
both generations develop their ability to learn; their social
integration is supported and their social segregation is
reduced (García Mínguez & Bedmar Moreno, 2002),
increasing of the feeling of the personal value and self-
confidence (Sanchéz Martínez et al., 2010),
better school attendance, better school results, lower
probability of the social-pathological behaviour
(Rabušicová et al., 2011),
escape from the loneliness and isolation, reintegration into
families and society, creating of new friendships; increasing
of the self-esteem and motivational factors and in particular
the development of the social skills. (Sanchéz Martínez et
al., 2010).
We know that the aggressiveness is a complex and multi-
causally influenced phenomenon with its positive and negative
sides and the expressions of aggressiveness can reflect the
psychosocial development of the person, his/her current life
situation he/she experiences at the moment or they can reflect
constellations of the personal dispositions and cognitive
strategies. Thus the reasons can have a biological character
(inherited) or a social character (obtained). The obtained
dispositions are related mainly to the level of social learning
(Fischer & Škoda, 2014; Emmerová, 2014) which primarily
takes place in the family. Therefore, when dealing with the
matter of prevention, it is very important to take into account
mainly the social environment where the child lives. The social
environment substantially influences his/her attitudes, opinions
and it instils certain values into the child which are subsequently
reflected in his/her acting and behaving to other people.
Undoubtedly, the first position is here occupied by the family
where the child learns to create relationships to himself/herself,
to other people and the society. The child develops his/her skills,
he/she acquires the norms and learns to be empathic, tolerant, to
respect and understand people in his/her surroundings. It is
precisely the family community where the child acquires the
basic life scale of values and the bases of his/her future
behaviour outside this institution (Koťa, J., 2015).
We can find numerous definitions of aggressiveness and
aggressive behaviour in specialized publications and there also
exist manifold classifications of this social-pathological
phenomenon. Based on our methodological orientation, we
mention the following classification from the point of view of
pursuing the intention of being aggressive (Fromm, 2007, in:
Vašutová &
Kitliňská, 2010):
benign – it is considered to be a defensive aggression if
keeping of life is put at risk. It represents a tool of
biological adaptability and it is used in order to survive.
malignant – the main expression is angry, attacking,
destructive and fiery behaviour which can lead to social
delicts such as a murder. The motivation of the aggressor is
not the achieving of a certain aim but it is his/her pleasure of
the performed act. By means of aggressiveness the man
satisfies his/her own cruelty.
Repková (2000, in: Határ, 2015) adds two other types to this
pseudo-aggressiveness – the intention of the man who
behaves aggressively is not to hurt another person.
Therefore we call it unintentional or coincidental
aggressiveness without any motivation – an aggressive
emotions of anger, rage, hatred or jealousy.
3 Methodological orientation of the research
The aim of our research was to find out and explain what role
plays the learning in the family environment between
grandparents and grandchildren in the context of prevention
against the aggressive behaviour of different symptomatology by
grandchildren. We used a questionnaire of our own construction
as an investigative tool. The core of the questionnaire was
formed by eight questions. The first two questions we centred on
finding out the presence or absence of different kinds of
aggressive behaviour by the respondents (verbal, physical, auto-
aggressiveness and bullying) whereas the starting point for its
classification was the division we mentioned in the theoretical
part of our article. In case of a positive answer we tried to
determine the etiology of the inappropriate acting and behaving
in the following item. In the next questions we found out the
frequency of meetings of grandchildren with their grandparents,
what type of an educator the grandparents represent for the
younger generation, the course, direction and contents (a type of
common activities) of the intergenerational learning between
both generations, as well as the roles the grandparents play in the
life of their grandchildren. We chose all pupils of the eight grade
of primary schools as a basic observed group and we created our
representative sample by means of an accessible selection. It was
formed by 172 respondents coming from four regions of
Slovakia: Košice region (63), Bratislava region (41), Žilina
region (40) and Nitra region (28). There were five town schools
and two schools were located in a village. In order to process and
evaluate the obtained data from the questionnaire and to verify
the formulated hypothesis, we used the methods of mathematical
statistics (calculation of frequency, percentual evaluation, a chi-
squared test) and the methods of logical operations (analysis,
synthesis, induction, deduction and comparing). Subsequently,
we recorded the results of the empirical investigation in
particular tables and we complemented them with the qualitative
analysis. We mention only some empirical results in our article.
3.1 Partial results of the research
In the following tables we mention research findings related to
the frequency of occurrence of aggressive behaviour by
respondents, its etiology, the contents of intergenerational
learning between grandparents and grandchildren in the family
environment and, at the same time, those findings which support
the confirmation or rejection of the scientific hypothesis we
formulated at the beginning of the research process:
Hypothesis: We assume a statistically related relationship
between the intergenerational learning in the family and the
occurrence of aggressive behaviour by grandchildren.
The following table documents the frequency of the occurrence
of particular types of the aggressive behaviour in the observed
research sample. The first item of our research tool consisted of
four degrees of the scale (always, often, sometimes, never). The
respondents could choose one option. The reason of formulating
this type of a question, or respectively, its answers, was the final
statistical evaluation of the results which requires the scaling of
answers. At the same time, it provides us a more detailed and
precise view at the intensity of expressions of aggressive ways of
behaviour by the observed pupils of primary schools.
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