adapted): things I am interested in; whose birthday it is; things
about sport; to write; to buy; to use slang; what I study at
school; I teach them what they need.
Fifteen students (8,7%) answered negatively regarding the
education of the grandparents, respectively, they identified
themselves with the answer I do not teach them anything. Some
pupils (8) mentioned the following reasons: when I tried it, they
said they were old; I do not have time for it now; they know
almost everything; we have never talked about it; I do not have a
good relationship with the grandparents; I do not have to teach
them anything; what they should know, they know it already
(2x); they are like Google - they know everything. We did not
record any reasons by seven pupils.
3.2 Conclusion
In the current world we can perceive the incessant increasing of
number and frequency of manifold social-pathological
phenomena, criminality and delinquency of every type and
degree. Nowadays there are more and more frequent and
intensive expressions and consequences of aggressiveness and
aggressive behaviour by children and teenagers. One of the
reasons is also the neglected or incorrect education, inability of
the young generation to communicate, to conduct a dialogue, to
listen actively, to solve conflict in a constructive way, to create
long-term, stable and healthy relationships and on their basis to
mature as a human being in the biological, psychic, social and
spiritual area. Therefore, the intergenerational learning, based on
the development and strengthening of the intergenerational
relationships between young people and seniors, is perceived as
a very effective way and tool of prevention against undesirable
social phenomena, respectively the aggressive behaviour in our
case, and as the most suitable social capital.
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