musical work to choose the best and send this record. But this 
form (remote) of the musical activity has its positive aspects, 
during such attempts of the records the play of the work the 
student is repeatedly in the condition of the concert excitement, 
which in turn contributes to the formation of the student's stage 
Considering the "Musical Conversation" as a form of the 
musical-performing (educational) activity of the student, we note 
that in addition to the oratory, which must be mastered by the 
student, he must be able to illustrate his story with the musical 
excerpt. Therefore, the individual problem in the preparation of 
the student for this form of the activity, the musical illustrations 
are staged, their selection and the performance. The following 
problems in the performance are especially singled out: the 
imprecise interpretation and the memorization of the text; the 
departure from the defined or the accepted temp; the vague, the 
uninitiated, the fearful performance, which does not coincide 
with the verbal-figurative characteristics which is given in the 


of the music. For the bright and the masterful 

performance of the excerpts, it is important that the musical 
material of the conversation has been carefully selected and 
composed, because the keeping of the attention and the interest 
of the pupils will promote to the successful invention of the 
musical fragments which are the most appropriate for the 
emotional and the figurative content to their oral characteristics 
(Melnyk, 2009). 
One of the criteria of the formed of the musical-performing 
experience of the student is the level of the general awareness of 
the musical works which have been performed and the history of 
their creation, and also the motivation of the choice of the study 
and the performance of these works. Therefore, among the main 
conditions of the formation of the musical-performing 
experience is the education of the positive motivation to the 
musical-performing activity. The address to the emotional side 
of the musical-performing is a way in the development of the 
interest to the musical art, so it is important, we emphasize this, 
to expand the sphere of the performing activity of the students at 
various measures which are organized and are held in the school 
and also outside it. Only due to the motivation, the obstacles of 
the performing work during the study of the musical works are 
overcome. The steady positive motivation impels the student to 
work out the play in certain details of the form, the virtuoso 
difficulties and to overcome the mental, the psychological and 
the physical exhaustion. The motivation plays the primary role 
for the overcoming of the obstacles in the creativity, because 
without the appropriate professional techniques and the skills, 
the performer cannot embody the particular artistic image at the 
appropriate level, to attract the attention, to arouse the interest 
and the admiration in the public (Klopynskaya, 2011). 
To the main pedagogical conditions of the formation of the 
stable positive motivation of the musical-performing, we 


the installation on the favorable conditions for the work on 
the musical repertoire; 


the orientation of the educational process on the concert-
performing activities; 


the creation of the individually conditioned means of the 
solution of the technical and the creative tasks put in front 
of the students; 


the installation of the personal contacts of the teacher with 
the student, which is based on the modeling of the positive 
motivations of the teaching.  

It is necessary to take into account the psychological factors of 
the formation of the experience of the musical-performing 
activity in the process of the performing preparation of the 
students, as it will contribute to the improvement of the 
pedagogical process, and also the increase of the level of the 
performing preparation. 
In the process of the rehearsal playing of the musical works, the 
day before the performances, it is necessary to prepare for the 

long-term impact of the possible stressors and thus to avoid their 
negative impact on the success of the interpretation and the 
performance of the musical works. The acquisition of the stage 
endurance provides the coordination of the reproduction of the 
performing activity, even with a long-term negative impact of 
the stressors on the process of the stage activity of the 
The adaptations of the musicians-performers to the conditions of 
the stage activity are characterized with the two-vector direction. 
The first vector is characterized by the active influence of the 
interpreters on the mastering of the external environment and its 
modification in accordance with the personal needs, and the 
second is characterized with the correction of own social setting 
and the stereotypes of the stage behavior. The adaptation is 
carried out due to the self-regulation of the psychophysiological 
sphere, based on the positive previous performing experience 
taking into account the actions of all stressors which are acted as 
the obstacles in this situation, and on the emotions which are 
created with the conditions of the stage activity and consciously 
modeled for the musical art. The scientists L. Kotova, D. Yunyk 
emphasize the need of the formation in the instrumentalists 
during the rehearsal playing of the musical works the day before 
of the performances of such cognitive abilities as: 


the support of the required level of the activity of the 
performing apparatus, the regardless of the strength and the 
duration of the action of the stressors; 


the giving of the emotional-figurative content to the 
musical idea in the process of the reproducing of the 


the strengthening of the dynamism of the transfer of the 
information to the listeners by means of the corresponding 
the emotionally-expressive reaction of the organism 
(Yunyk and Kotova, 2016). 


As big the performing experience, as more often the student will 
take part in the various competitions, the festivals, the concerts, 
as less often he will suffer from the diseases of the asthenic 
forms of the stage excitement. But the experience should not be 
confused with the habit, because the experience stimulates the 
inspiration, and the habit kills it. As wide the life and the 
creative outlook of the student, as much professional knowledge 
he has, as bright and deep he is able to artistically interpret the 
musical art, as it is easy to him to direct his excitement in the 
direction of the creative tasks. The successful musical-
performing activity of the future teacher of the musical art is 
possible only if the intellectual, the emotional and the motor 
aspects of his personality "work" in harmony. Neither sides 
should suppress the others. 
The confidence that the work has been studied reliably, which is 
saved from many negative forms of the concert excitement, but 
you need to have considerable experience to learn to quickly and 
firmly memorize some musical text. All mental processes are 
influenced on the stage state of the student by that occur at the 
time of the implementation of the musical work. The most 
important are the performing attention, the will, the hearing 
representations, the optimal for the creativity level of the 
emotional excitation, the flexibility of the psychological 
adaptation, the artistic interpretation of the work. Most 
psychologists consider the will and the attention as the special 
abilities of the personality, which are the necessary condition for 
the successful implementation of some activity. As other human 
capabilities, the attention and the will is the inclinations from the 
birth that can be developed and improved in the process of the 
teaching and the education. The performing activity has been 
referred to the will acts. The performing will allow the student to 
get rid of the impulsivity during the performance, to achieve the 
organic unity of the emotionality and the rationality in the 
creativity. And the arbitrary attention, which has arisen as the 
result of the willpower, and the involuntary attention, which has 
formed as the result of the interest, reduces the possibility of the 
appearance of the negative forms of the concert-performing 
excitement (Balanchyvadze, 1998). 

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