Based on the solution of the research problem in connection with 
our research project in the field of forest pedagogy in 
pedagogical practice, we were also interested in opinions on the 
use of forest pedagogy within Elementary realia subject and 
opinions on the conditions for education for sustainable 
development. We assumed that by observation or learning in the 
natural environment - in the forest environment, we have the 
opportunity to build a positive relationship to nature and to the 
environment in which the pupils live. We wanted to know to 
what extent is the forest pedagogy known and widespread 
among primary school teachers. We were interested in whether 
during their pedagogical practice they have ever encountered 
forest pedagogy, what importance they attribute to it in terms of 
primary education, and to what extent the pupils like the topic of 
the forest. The field of forest pedagogy education is relatively 
uncommon, so we assumed that teachers will not have much 
experience with it. We asked if and where they dealt with forest 
pedagogy. We received 11 types of answers to the question, with 
the largest representation of 93 answers - was the answer that 
they had not yet the opportunity to deal with it. Even if they 
came across a forest pedagogy, it was in the library during a 
discussion with a forester or hunter, on the Internet, in the media 
or during a school trip. Some teachers also stated that the 
became familiar with it while preparing for the profession. In 
two cases, they stated that they met with a forester on the 
occasion of Children's Day or St. Hubert' Day. Only one 
participant stated that they had the opportunity to cooperate with 
a forest pedagogue half the day. She evaluated this meeting very 
positively because, in addition to playing games and organising 
competitions on the campus, which resembles a forest 
environment, there were also activities to develop students' 
creativity. Pupils also appreciated the hunting exhibition of 
trophies, an explanation of how ecosystems works in the forest 
and life in the forest in general. The teacher pointed out, that the 
didactic games strongly affected the pupils because they wanted 
to return to them and build on the acquired knowledge. Among 
other things, she also stated: In our primary school we cooperate 
with a forest pedagogue and we meet her twice a year in 
discussions, on the school premises or in the village and its 
surroundings. We go to listen to the sounds of birds, collect 
medicinal herbs, observe nature, surroundings, beautify the 
environment near the school, forest paths, sidewalks, feed 
animals, clean the stream, play and perform fun tasks in nature 
and in a nearby park. 
In one case, they also stated that they had responded to the 
protection association's offer. We can state that the core of forest 
pedagogy – didactic activities with children in the forest 
environment with a specific educational goal and content 
implemented by a qualified forest teacher - is not yet a stable 
part of the education process in schools. The school will even 
respond to the offers of conservation organizations, whose 
lecturers have no education for teaching topics about the forest 
and the forest environment, or even experience with the forestry 
profession. Enthusiasm is definitely not enough in this case, 
a certain amount of expertise is required. Sometimes only the 
enthusiasm without expertise can be harmful. The above 
mentioned views resulted from the discussions that were part of 
our professional seminars with teachers. Including forest 
pedagogy in pre-school and primary education with emphasis on 
the goals of the State Education Program, in the formal and non-
formal level of education, is also one of research tasks. We have 
found out that there are suitable school premises in most of the 
schools and that there can also be found some trees on the 
The fact that teachers are not familiar with the core of the forest 
pedagogy and do not have specific experience with a forest 
pedagogue in the conditions of teaching process is also proved 
by their opinions. We found out that the respondents are not 
determined whether some topics about the forest environment 
should be taught by an expert from the external environment, 
specifically a forest teacher or not. Up to 42% of all the 
respondents were not able to make a decision in terms of this 
subject matter. Despite the fact that they have no experience with 
forest pedagogy, a relatively high percentage of 29% attaches 

great importance to it, or more precisely, on a 7-point scale (7 is 
the most), the values of 6 and 7 was attributed by 46% of 
respondents, which is almost half of them. This means that the 
forest pedagogy can definitely find its place in contents of 
Elementary realia subject in primary schools. We would like to 
remind that  the value of  7 (means 


very important


) was the 

second most saturated value on the scale. 

In terms of the forest pedagogy, we were interested in the 
importance that teachers attach to topics of the forest and the 
forest environment in the teaching of Elementary realia subject. 
According to them, these topics should not stay on the periphery. 
They are aware of the fact that topics related to the forest 
environment are not only part of the Elementary realia subject, 
but also part of other subjects – such as Reading, Art Education, 
Mathematics, etc. They emphasize that these topics are not only 
interesting for pupils, but also necessary for them. They stated 
that children do not go to woods very often nowadays, so some 
information may be new to them. Especially the conversations 
about animals are always interesting for
 them. Other 
participants expressed a similar opinion, stating that they would 
consider teaching these topics in the forest or in a territory 
reminiscent of the forest, to be the most effective
. Their 
experience also shows that several schools have at least a few 
coniferous trees in the area. They stated that pupils interested in 
this topic always observe, discover and ask about the growth of 
cones, needles, or class and compare leaves, fruits, bark, etc.
Several respondents admitted that that it is not always possible 
for a teacher to explain it to them proficiently and answer all 
their questions. According to respondents, there is a need to 
involve parents, volunteers and members of the Young Naturalist 
club in afforestation of the school surroundings. We can see that 
forest pedagogy overlaps with non-formal education. This is also 
one of the ways how we can make the child to be more aware of 
the importance of protecting the environment. This however 
requires professional consultation or practical help. 
We were also interested in pupils' interest in topics related to the 
forest environment. We discovered that the scale 6 was the most 
represented, followed by the scale 7, which makes up a total of 
52%. A neutral attitude was expressed by up to 19% of 
respondents. On a scale of 1 to 3, 14% expressed disinterest in 
these topics. The remaining 15% was expressed on a scale of 5, 
which we could consider positive. Based on the research 
answers, we see that respondents perceive the topic of the forest 
as necessary and interesting not only for students but also for 
In addition to the forest environment, we were also interested in 
teachers' opinions on sustainable development and its place in 
education process. Both respondents and participants agreed 
unanimously that this is a topic that needs our attention. They 
pointed out that this should be a cross-cutting theme of all 
subjects. They reminded that there is a need to devote more time 
to this topic in every thematic unit and if students have 
questions, they should be discussed in depth. 
In connection with the topic of sustainable development, we 
wanted to find out who, in their opinion, plays a major role in 
education for responsible behaviour. They expressed very 
similarly to a previous question, that the matter of responsibility 
should be part of all the subjects, not only of Elementary realia 
subject. It is also necessary that not only teachers but also 
educators or parents would focus on teaching responsibility. 
Several respondents think that some of the teachers would need 
it as well considering the negative behaviour of pupils during 
breaks. However, they reminded that they are on the same page 
with the educators in terms of their approach to education. 
Teachers also appreciated and agreed on the approach of 
grandparents, which is reflected in the thinking and actions of 
pupils. What we consider to be a negative, however, is the fact 
that there were some opinions according to which teachers 
considered clean desk and responsibility for school matters or 
school interior to be an example of responsible behaviour. It was 
not possible to determine whether they are aware of the fact that 
the responsibility for sustainability means not only to protect 

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