meet his goals, and students in turn have their own appropriate 
learning strategy. Within science, we see an opportunity to use 
the student's portfolio as a means of his trajectory of 
development and learning (as a basic idea to bring non-
autonomous young people into a status of relative autonomy, 
which creates space for mutual cooperation in a learning group 
of students - an opportunity for learning collaboration). In terms 
of self-regulation of learning and learning on occasion, we also 
include the role of a teacher as a researcher (a teacher promoting 
an autonomous style of learning based on an examination of 
didactic reality, its subjects and components carrying out the 
reconstruction of professional experience, who seeks to know 
and recognize what he / she considers important, decisive and 
essential). The threats also include a not very positive attitude 
towards science subjects at the beginning of studies at all 
monitored faculties with a predominance of the external style of 
learning regulation, especially for full-time undergraduate 
students at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in 
Bratislava and the control style of motivation. By taking 
advantage of the opportunities arising from research on self-
regulation of learning, we propose to minimize threats in science 
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