Thirdly, by the time, several states adopted laws criminalizing 
crime of commercial bribery. Illinois enacted criminal offence of 
Commercial Bribery in section 29A of the 720 Illinois criminal 
statute (“Illinois Criminal Code” or “720 ILCS 5”). Concept of 
commercial bribery rest in a fact that employee accepts money 
or thing of value from person other than his/her employer and 
uses his/her position in a way that outside individual benefits 
from it. The employee betrays trust of his/her employer.  
Number of states adopted laws criminalizing bribery in sport. 
Crime of bribery in sport is also prosecuted under federal law in 
section 224 Bribery in sporting contests of the Title 18, United 
States Code (“U.S. Code”). New York criminalizes bribery in 
sport. Crime of Sports bribing is regulated in section 180.40 and 
Sports bribe receiving in section 180.45 of N.Y. Penal Law. 
Likewise, state of Illinois prosecutes bribery in sport in section 
29 Bribery in contests of the 720 ILCS 5. Several states even 
prosecute, failure to report bribe in sport, e.g. state of Illinois 
recognizes the crime of Failure to report offer of bribe in section 
29 (3) of the 720 ILCS 5. 
Furthermore, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) 
addresses the issue of Bribery of Foreign Official. According to 
the United States Department of Justice: “The anti-bribery 
provisions of the FCPA prohibit the willful use of the mails or 
any means of instrumentality of interstate commerce corruptly in 
furtherance of any offer, payment, promise to pay, or 
authorization of the payment of money or anything of value to 
any person, while knowing that all or a portion of such money or 
thing of value will be offered, given or promised, directly or 
indirectly, to a foreign official to influence the foreign official in 
his or her official capacity, induce the foreign official to do or 
omit to do an act in violation of his or her lawful duty, or to 
secure any improper advantage in order to assist in obtaining or 
retaining business for or with, or directing business to, any 
(The United States Department of Justice, 2017) For 
better understanding, general awareness and knowledge of law is 
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act translated to 50 languages, 
including the Slovak language. There are ongoing debates if 
FCPA discourages US companies from investing abroad. 
(Graham & Stroup, 2015) Some people oppose FCPA because it 
puts American businesses at a comparative disadvantage or 
permits unethical forms of payment equivalent to bribery. 
(Seitzinger, 2016)  
Also, the Constitution of the United States (“U.S. Constitution”) 
refers to the corruption in article II, section 4: “The President, 
Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be 
removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, 
Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”

Officials shall act in public interest rather than in interest of 
individual for receiving unlawful benefit. On the other hand, 
individual shall not benefit from using officials for his/her own 
benefit. We find the respective provision of the U.S. Constitution 
appropriate. Sanction of removal from office is adequate for the 
highest-ranking public officials when impeached for and 
convicted of bribery and other crimes, due to the functions they 
represent. Namely, the President of the United States holds 
executive powers. Conviction of enumerated crimes, mainly 
bribery, hampers democratic values and undermine trust in 
justice. This provision aims at preventing this from occurring. In 
the U.S. Constitution there is much more similar provisions, e.g. 
article 1 section 9 cl. 8. 
Article 107 of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic (“Slovak 
Constitution”) reads that the President of the Slovak Republic 
shall be criminally liable only for intentional violation of the 
constitution or for treason. The Slovak Constitution does not 
refer to crime of bribery and consequently to removal from the 
office. Article 107 of the Slovak constitution further states the 
process of filing an indictment against the President. The 
National Council of the Slovak Republic decide on the filing of 
the indictment against the President by a three-fifths majority of 
the votes of all members of the Parliament. The indictment is 
filed by the National Council of the Slovak Republic at the 
Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, which will decide 

in plenary session. The condemning decision of the 
Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic means the loss of 
the office of the President and disqualification to hold the office 
in the future. Similarly, Article 136 of the Slovak constitution 
states: “The judge of the Constitutional Court cannot be 
prosecuted for decision-making in the performance of his/her 
office, even after his/her removal from the office.” 
Article 148 
(4) of the Slovak constitution further reads: “Judges and lay 
judges cannot be prosecuted for decision-making, even after 
his/her removal from the office.”
 Article 78 (1) of the Slovak 
constitution enacts similar framework for restriction of 
responsibility: “The Member of the Parliament cannot be 
prosecuted for voting in the National Council of the Slovak 
Republic or in its committees, even after the expiry of his/her 
Likewise, article 78 (2) of the Slovak constitution 
states: “The Member of the Parliament cannot be prosecuted for 
statements made in the National Council of the Slovak Republic 
or in its body in the performance of the office of the Member of 
the Parliament, even after the expiry of his/her mandate. The 
Member of the Parliament is subject to the disciplinary authority 
of the National Council of the Slovak Republic.” 
It is clear, that 
the President of the Slovak Republic cannot be prosecuted for 
other crimes than intentional violation of the constitution or for 
treason. However, the judges of the Constitutional Court, judges 
and lay judges as well as the Members of the Parliament cannot 
be prosecuted for decision-making, voting in respective body or 
for statements made in the respective body. The above-
mentioned provision of the Slovak constitution refers to 
substantial immunity, because these persons cannot be 
prosecuted for decision-making, voting or for statements made 
in the respective bodies, even after removal from the office. 
Such protection of Members of the Parliament, given the nature 
of the National Council as the supreme representative body of 
the Slovak Republic, Constitutional Court and courts being 
representative bodies of judicial branch of the Slovak Republic, 
can be considered appropriate and desirable for the proper 
government functioning. However, also procedural immunity 
from prosecution is granted to certain persons, e.g. the Members 
of the Parliament according to article 78 (4) of the Slovak 
constitution. If the Member of the Parliament was caught and 
detained in a criminal offence, the competent authority shall 
immediately notify the chairman of the National Council of the 
Slovak Republic and the chairman of the Mandate and Immunity 
Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. If 
the Mandate and Immunity Committee of the National Council 
of the Slovak Republic does not give the subsequent consent to 
detention, the Member of the Parliament must be released 
immediately. Mandate of the Members of the Parliament 
according to section 81a (f) of the Slovak constitution ceases to 
exist on the date of validity of the judgement when he or she was 
sentenced for an intentional criminal offence; or was sentenced 
for a criminal offence and the court has not ruled the conditional 
suspension of imprisonment. Procedural immunity means that it 
is not possible to prosecute person while he or she holds an 
office, either at all or only with the consent of the competent 
authority. Nevertheless, the person may be prosecuted after 
removal from the office. Immunities are further regulated in 
section 8 (1) in connection with section 9 (1)b of the act no. 
301/2005 Coll. (“Slovak criminal procedure code”).  
Constitution has the role of the supreme law. Laws shall not 
contradict with provisions of constitution and rights and 
freedoms set in the constitution. The U.S. Constitution, as well 
as the Slovak Constitution, is source of all government powers, 
being divided into legislative, executive, and a judicial branch, 
with a system of checks and balances among the three branches. 
The U.S. Constitution provides important limitations on the 
government that protect the fundamental rights of U.S. citizens. 
Having provision regarding removal from office of certain high 
representatives on impeachment for, and conviction of bribery in 
constitution highlights the values of society, importance of 
eliminating bribery in public sector and strengthens the 
democracy principles. Constitutional system of USA is unique 

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