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Primary and Secondary Sections

AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research uses the RIV branch groups and branches, but the journal is not a part of RIV. The RIV is one of parts of the R&D Information System. The RIV has collected an information about results of R&D long-term intentions and R&D projects supported by different state and other public budgets, according to the R&D Act [Code number 130/2002]. The Journal is published in accordance with Act No. 121/2000 Coll., On Legal Copyright, on Legal Restrictions with Legal Copyright and Legal Regulation.

Summary of Primary Paper Sections - RIV Branch Groups

ASocial sciences
BPhysics and mathematics
DEarth sciences
EBiological sciences
FMedical sciences

Summary of Secondary Paper Sections - RIV Branches

AAPhilosophy and religion
ACArchaeology, anthropology, ethnology
ADPolitical sciences
AEManagement, administration and clerical work
AFDocumentation, librarianship, work with information
AGLegal sciences
AJLiterature, mass media, audio-visual activities
AKSport and leisure time activities
ALArt, architecture, cultural heritage
AMPedagogy and education
AOSociology, demography
APMunicipal, regional and transportation planning
AQSafety and health protection, safety in operating machinery
BAGeneral mathematics
BBApplied statistics, operational research
BCTheory and management systems
BDInformation theory
BETheoretical physics
BFElementary particle theory and high energy physics
BGNuclear, atomic and molecular physics, accelerators
BHOptics, masers and lasers
BIAcoustics and oscillation
BKLiquid mechanics
BLPlasma physics and discharge through gases
BMSolid-state physics and magnetism
BNAstronomy and celestial mechanics, astrophysics
CAInorganic chemistry
CBAnalytical chemistry, separation
CCOrganic chemistry
CDMacromolecular chemistry
CFPhysical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
CHNuclear and quantum chemistry, photo chemistry
CIIndustrial chemistry and chemical engineering
DAHydrology and limnology
DBGeology and mineralogy
DCSeismology, volcanology and Earth structure
DEEarth magnetism, geodesy, geography
DGAtmospheric sciences, meteorology
DHMining industry including coal mining and processing
DIPollution and air control
DJPollution and water control
DKContamination and decontamination of soil including pesticides
DLNuclear waste, radioactive pollution and control
DMSolid waste and its control, recycling
DNEnvironmental impact on health
DOProtection of landscape
EAMorphological game parks and cytology
EBGenetics and molecular biology
EEMicrobiology, virology
EHEcology - communities
EIBiotechnology and bionics
FACardiovascular diseases including cardio-surgery
FBEndocrinology, diabetology, metabolism, nutrition
FDOncology and haematology
FEOther fields of internal medicine
FFENT (ie. ear, nose, throat), ophthalmology, dentistry
FHNeurology, neuro-surgery, nuero-sciences
FITraumatology and orthopaedics
FJSurgery including transplantology
FKGynaecology and obstetrics
FLPsychiatry, sexology
FNEpidemiology, infection diseases and clinical immunology
FODermatology and venereology
FPOther medical fields
FQPublic health system, social medicine
FRPharmacology and apothecary chemistry
FSMedical facilities, apparatus and equipment
GAAgricultural economics
GBAgricultural machines and construction
GCPlant growing, crop rotation
GDFertilization, irrigation, soil treatment
GEPlant cultivation
GFDiseases, pests, weeds and plant protection
GHNutrition of farm animals
GIFarm animal breeding and farm animal pedigree breeding
GJDiseases and animal vermin, veterinary medicine
GMFood industry
JAElectronics and optoelectronics
JBSensors, detecting elements, measurement and regulation
JCComputer hardware and software
JDUse of computers, robotics and its application
JENon-nuclear power engineering, energy consumption and utilization
JFNuclear energy
JGMetallurgy, metal materials
JHCeramics, fire-proof materials and glass
JIComposite materials
JJOther materials
JKCorrosion and material surfaces
JLFatigue and fracture mechanics
JMStructural engineering
JNCivil engineering
JOLand transport systems and equipment
JPIndustrial processes and processing
JQMachinery and tools
JROther machinery industry
JSReliability and quality management, industrial testing
JTPropulsion, engines and fuels
JUAeronautics, aerodynamics, aeroplanes
JVCosmic technologies
JWNavigation, connection, detection and countermeasure
JYFirearms, ammunition, explosives, combat vehicles


The data have been given into the RIV by all public sponsors (different ministries and other state offices with the responsibility for a state R&D long-term intention financial aid and/or R&D project financial aid, the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic and local authorities [territorial self-government]). The content of the RIV, the way how the data have been given into the R&D Information System, the integration of the data into the R&D Information System database, the processing of the data and the way of data publication are determined by the R&D Act [Code number 130/2002] together with “The Regulation of the Czech government [Code number 267/2002] about the R&D Information System”, by some other rules and by The Standard Operating Procedure Manual of the R&D Information System. Searching in the R&D Information system can be made by the search program application. The RIV is a higher version of the former Register of the R&D Publication given by Czech public research institutes [RIP]. The RIP was operated by the Government Office of the Czech Republic until 1995. The RIP has collected data since 1993.

MAGNANIMITAS |  AD ALTA: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research , Československé armády 300, Hradec Králové | +420 498 651 292 | map